Advance Healthcare Directive

It’s a basic step every adult should take to plan for the future. Whether you are young or old, healthy or not, it is important to be able to clearly state your healthcare goals, values and preferences by completing an Advance Healthcare Directive.

An Advance Healthcare Directive allows you to share with your physicians, nurses and others taking care of you, including family and friends, what is most important to you when thinking about your health, healthcare and illness. The process of completing an Advance Healthcare Directive is also important because it can help you talk with loved ones about these things.

Your completed directive will not only give you greater peace of mind, but it can provide comfort and guidance to the people in your life who may, at some point, be asked to speak on your behalf.

For Religious Traditions

To ensure your wishes are honored in harmony with your faith, we’ve curated advance healthcare directive forms that respect different religious traditions.

The Evolving Conversation

It's difficult to anticipate every possible scenario when you complete an advance directive, so it's crucial to have conversations with your loved ones, healthcare agent and physician about your treatment preferences and the reasons behind the choices you put in writing. This will help them to honor your goals, values and preferences and to ease the emotional burden they’d face if they must make difficult healthcare decisions for you.

Evolving the conversation