
Do you care about the environment? Are you aware of the increasing demands being made on our landfill space? You can help your community by recycling.

The Newell Recycling Association can be found at: 279 Veiner Road (South Industrial Park), Brooks, Alberta.

Accepted Materials

  • Paper - Newspaper and all inserts, glossy flyers, auto trader, magazines, catalogs, phone book, all white paper, envelopes, shredded paper, etc.
  • Plastics - Only Number 2 plastics are accepted which are a solid color with a neck on the bottles. Example shampoo, bleach, fabric softener, vinegar. They will have the recycling logo on the bottom with a 2 in the middle. No caps are accepted. These can be placed on the paint table under the lean-to at the north end of the building. No plastic bags of any kind are accepted.
  • Cardboard - Boxes, corrugated cardboard, cereal boxes, paper grocery bags, dog food bags, cartons, etc.
  • Metal - Tin cans, metal lids, canning rings, aluminum cans, pie plates, food trays, aluminum foil (clean).

Special Recycling Programs

  • Oil - Used oil, oil filters, oil containers. Drop-off bin is open 24 hours a day. Please see the Depot manager for large drop-offs.
  • Electronics (E-Waste) - Computers, printer cartridges, televisions. Collection location is located at the Depot, north of the drop-off bins.
  • Confidential Shredding - The Newell Recycling Association does confidential shredding and paper pick-ups. Call the Depot for more information.
  • Paint and Household Hazardous Waste - Used paint, empty paint can, paint containers. Collection location is at the Depot on the north end of the building.
  • Florescent Light Bulbs - Florescent tubes and compact florescent light bulbs are accepted at the north end of the building.