Clinical Analytics Resources

7 steps to build a clinical service desk partnership
Evolving patient care models and demographics are battling with lingering healthcare staffing challenges to create an increasingly difficult environment for healthcare IT support. In this eBook, explore ways to navigate the paradigm shift and access a roadmap to unlock the full potential of your IT service desk.


2024 IVF sector growth: Better access, results, care
IVF 2024 Trends: Market leaders note shifts to wider access, fertility preservation, big data, and AI. Clinics shift from academic centers, enhancing patient experience with personalized care, digital tools, and hybrid models. Key advancements in clinical tech. See full report for more insights.

Quality Reviews

The role of FHIR in interoperability
The new CMS interoperability rule aims to improve prior authorization processes and drive better healthcare outcomes through increased data sharing and transparency. Learn how this regulation can provide a strategic advantage by transforming member experience and fueling innovation. Read the full report.


Attracting & Retaining High-Acuity ICU Cases
Many hospitals look to grow by adding new specialities and increasing high-acuity case volumeA local hospial with 33 ICU beds struggled to manage its performance and throughput with complex cases. Transfers out were commonplace, and transfers in were virtually nonexistent.

Sound Physicians

It’s time to put patient repositioning documentation in the hands of an expert.
A study to understand the differences in repositioning documentation using a traditional manual flowsheet vs automated documentation with a wearable sensor-based device, found sensor-based documentation can reveal a more complete history of patient mobility, a primary indicator of the root cause of pressure injuries.

Smith + Nephew

Cost savings & business benefits of Teradata ClearScape Analytics
Investing in a solution like Teradata ClearScape Analytics is crucial for enterprises as it enables them to responsibly build and maintain machine learning (ML) models for their custom AI/ML solutions. To better understand the benefits, costs, and risks associated with this investment, download this Forrester report.


Increasing patient safety with RFID asset tracking
The greatest assets to any clinic or hospital are its patients, staff and equipment. With RFID asset tracking, healthcare providers can take care of all 3, making it easier to find and deploy assets, prevent loss or excess, and reduce procedure delays. Watch this webinar to learn more.

Zebra Technologies

Why paperwork is a liability in today’s healthcare
Upon the enforcement of a new mandate from the UK government on the NHS, healthcare solutions marketer Lorna Hopkin wanted to know what it would take to meet the new objectives and how they could be measured. Learn why she believes RFID readers are key to meeting these requirements, and the long-term sustainability of the NHS, in this blog.

Zebra Technologies

Selling effectively in healthcare by using the right data
In the current economic environment it's become vitally important for organizations selling into healthcare to focus on the key sales and marketing activities that will drive results. In order to do that you need to know you're working with the best healthcare commercial intelligence possible.

Definitive Healthcare

How to mature your health data interoperability level
The volume of data generated within the healthcare industry is staggering, as experts estimate that healthcare data doubles every 73 days. In this custom TechTarget eGuide, explore the four stages of health data interoperability and how you can progress through each maturity level.
