Binance 利用規約 >
Binance プライバシー・ノーティス >
暗号資産取引に関する注意 >
特定商取引法に基づく表記 >
情報セキュリティ基本方針 >
重要事項説明書(契約締結前交付書面)- 暗号資産現物取引 >
システムリスク管理に関する基本方針 >
反社会的勢力対応基本方針 >
マネー・ローンダリングおよびテロ資金供与の防止に関するポリシー >
最良執行方針 >
利益相反管理方針 >
債務履行方針 >
暗号資産概要書 >
新規取扱暗号資産の審査体制 >
Binance Japanにて提供される暗号資産及びサービスについて >
重要事項説明書(契約締結前交付書面)- 暗号資産現物取引
【重要】Binance Japan シンプルアーン(Simple Earn)規約改定のお知らせ
Binance response to ACPR Banque de France discussion paper: “Decentralised” or “disintermediated” finance: what regulatory response? >
Binance response to Abu Dhabi Global Market consultation No.3 of 2023: Proposal for a legislative framework for distributed ledger technology foundations >
Binance response to UK HM Treasury consultation and call for evidence: Future financial services regulatory regime for cryptoassets >
Binance response to the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission consultation: Proposed Regulatory Requirements for Virtual Asset Trading Platforms >
March 2023: Binance responds to Australian Treasury consultation on token mapping >
January 2023: Binance responds to Australian Treasury consultation on exposure draft legislation on further improvements to the Corporations and Financial Services Law >
December 2022: Binance provides response to Monetary Authority of Singapore consultation on Digital Payment Token Services >
December 2022: Binance provides response to Monetary Authority of Singapore consultation on Stablecoin-Related Activities >
Binance provides consultation response to the Financial Stability Board's proposed framework for international regulation of crypto-activities >
Binance Response to Australian Treasury consultation on Crypto asset secondary service providers: Licensing and custody requirements >
Second Consultation Response for Bank for International Settlements Prudential treatment of crypto asset exposures >
Binance Response to UK HM Treasury Consultation: Managing the failure of systemic Digital Settlement Asset (including stablecoin) firms consultation >
Amendments to Crypto-Asset (CRA) Module for the Central Bank of Bahrain >
OMFIF Binance Contribution to the Digital Assets Regulation Report (Oct 2022) >
Binance participated in the European Forum for Innovation Facilitators October 2022 EFIF meeting to discuss NFTs within the EU >
Reykjavik Global Forum Women Political Leaders panel on Reimagining Finance >
Stanford Global Crypto Policy Conference invited participation from Binance >
Op-ed on Web3, Sensible Regulation, and Asia Pacific's Global Competitiveness for Milken >