Binance Privacy Portal
Our commitment to protecting your data
Welcome to our Privacy Portal.
We created this page to help you navigate through key aspects of our Privacy Program and learn more about your privacy rights.
At Binance, we are dedicated to safeguarding your privacy and protecting your data. The security of your personal information is paramount to us and we follow strict internal guidelines, legal requirements and industry best practices to ensure that your data is secure and used only for authorized purposes.
Binance's Privacy Principles
Transparency at All Times
Our transparency commitment means that we keep you informed about how your data is used and shared. We update this portal and our privacy notices regularly, ensuring you stay informed about any changes that may affect you. This helps us empower you to make informed decisions about your data and privacy.
Check our Privacy Notice >
Data Minimization & Purpose Limitation
We have implemented strong governance controls on data minimization, which ensure that all products and services offered by Binance only collect user data with specified purposes. We demonstrate in our Privacy Notice the specific, legitimate business purposes of data collection at Binance.
Check our Privacy Notice >
Accountability and Compliance
We take our privacy responsibilities seriously. Our practices are in full compliance with applicable data protection laws and regulations around the globe. We conduct regular audits and continuously improve our processes to ensure we uphold the highest standards of data protection and privacy. Our program has received coveted security and privacy certifications in multiple jurisdictions where we operate.
Learn More >
User's Rights and Access
We recognize and uphold your fundamental rights concerning your personal data. To help you exercise them, we provide easy-to-use tools and mechanisms in the Binance app and through a dedicated webform where you can request our support. For more information on the applicable rights for your jurisdiction, check our Privacy Notice at the link below. If you wish to exercise your rights, kindly read the section "Exercising your Privacy Rights" on this page.
Check our Privacy Notice >
Data Security
We prioritize your privacy and security, implementing robust measures to protect your data from loss, misuse, or unauthorized access, while strictly controlling access internally. Our advanced encryption and stringent protocols, including identity verification, maintain the confidentiality and integrity of your data.
Check our User Protection Portal >
Privacy by Design
We have strong processes in place to ensure that privacy and data protection are built into all our products and services. Our dedicated privacy team works closely with developers to incorporate data protection by design and by default, adhering to global standards and regulations.
Check our User Protection Portal >
How Binance uses your data
What is Personal Data?
Using your Data
Retention of your Data
Data Sharing with third parties
Cookies and other Identifiers
Definition of personal data
Personal data is the data that identifies an individual or relates to an identifiable individual. This includes information you provide to us, information which is collected about you automatically, and information we obtain from third parties, such as name, Binance ID number, location data, email address, or any details that, when combined, could identify someone.
Check our full Privacy Notice
How does Binance use my data?
We collect and process your personal data to provide secure and efficient services. This includes managing the user's account, complying with legal and regulatory requirements (like Anti-Money-Laundering laws), communicating with users about service-related matters, and ensuring the safety, security, and integrity of our platform. Additionally, we can use personal data to provide you support, improve our services, send you marketing communications, prevent fraud, and facilitate transactions.
Check our full Privacy Notice
For how long does Binance retain my data?
We hold your personal data to ensure you can keep using Binance services. This is necessary for the reasons outlined in our Privacy Notice, including meeting legal requirements related to taxation, accounting, Anti-Money Laundering, handling disputes and legal claims, or other reasons of which we might inform you.
To learn more about how long we keep various types of your personal data, please refer to the Privacy Notice applicable to your jurisdiction by clicking on the link below and selecting your country of residence.
Check our full Privacy Notice
Is my data shared with third parties?
In line with the applicable regulations and requirements, we may share your personal data with third parties, including other Binance entities, as per our contractual obligations, legal requirements, or business processes. While doing so, we ensure protection of personal data under our Privacy Notice or equivalent safeguards.
For more details on transfer of personal data, please refer to the Privacy Notice applicable to your jurisdiction by clicking on the link below and selecting your country of residence.
Check our full Privacy Notice
How do we use cookies?
We use cookies and similar tools to enhance your user experience, streamline the provision of our services, enhance our marketing efforts and understand how customers use our services so we can improve user experience. Depending on applicable laws in your region, the cookie banner on your browser will tell you how to accept or refuse cookies. A copy of our cookie policy is available below.
Check our Cookie Notice
Exercising your Privacy Rights
What rights do I have?
Our global privacy framework is inspired by the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is widely considered one of the strictest and most comprehensive frameworks globally.
A big part of our users hold several key rights. These include:
  • Right to access: You have the right to obtain confirmation that your personal data are processed and to obtain a copy of it as well as certain information related to their processing;
  • Right to rectify: You can request the rectification of your personal data which are inaccurate, and also add to them. You can also change your personal data in your account at any time.
  • Right to delete: You can, in some cases, have your personal data deleted;
  • Right to object: You can object, for reasons relating to your situation, to the processing of your personal data For instance, you have the right to object where we rely on legitimate interest or where we process your data for direct marketing purposes;
  • Right to restrict processing: You have the right, in certain cases, to temporarily restrict the processing of your personal data by us, provided there are valid grounds for doing so. We may continue to process your personal data if it is necessary for the defense against legal claims, or for any other exceptions permitted by applicable law;
  • Right to contest to a decision based solely on automated processing: You have the right to require that decisions be reconsidered if they are made solely by automated means, without human involvement. We use automated tools to make sure that you are eligible to be our customer taking into account our interests and legal obligations; if these automated tools indicate that you do not meet our acceptance criteria, we will not onboard you as our customer;
  • Right to portability: In some cases, you can ask to receive your personal data which you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, or, when this is possible, to have us communicate your personal data on your behalf directly to another data controller;
  • Right to withdraw your consent: for processing requiring your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. Exercising this right does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the withdrawal of the latter;
  • Right to lodge a complaint with the relevant data protection authority: We hope that we can resolve any queries you may have about the way in which we process your personal data. However, if you have unresolved concerns, you also have the right to complain to the data protection authority in the location in which you live, work or believe a data protection breach has occurred.

    Please note that while these rights represent our global standard, the actual rights available to you may vary depending on your jurisdiction. We encourage you to check the specific set of rights on the applicable Privacy Notice for your jurisdiction by clicking here and selecting your country of residence on the top right of our website.
What support does Binance offer to help me exercise my rights?
We offer you a webform designed to facilitate the exercise of your privacy rights. Depending on your specific association with our organization (such as Customer, Former Employee, or Candidate), we may require certain data to identify you and to process your request effectively. This includes specifying your country of residence to ensure compliance with local privacy rights, as well as providing your name and email address for identification purposes. Additionally, Binance UID is required for customers to enable account identification. Once this information is provided, just select the relevant privacy right you wish to exercise and submit your request to us.

Please note that to proceed with your request, we'll need to verify your identity by requesting some documentation based on what we currently have on record.
*We may take up to 1 month to process your request to exercise GDPR rights. For other jurisdictions, this deadline may be different depending on the local laws.

Click here to access our Data Protection Webform
How do I access my data and get a copy of it?
You have the right to obtain confirmation that your personal data are processed and to obtain a copy of them as well as certain information related to their processing:
  • If you're looking for information on how to access your account statement, please click here
  • If you want to get information regarding devices and IP addresses used to log in to your account, please click here
  • For other types of access to your data, we offer you the possibility to request that through our Webform:
    Click here to access our Data Protection Webform
How can I rectify my data?
You can request our Customer Support team to help you with the rectification of any incomplete or inaccurate personal data. By opening our app and clicking on the Customer Support icon, you'll be offered a variety of services, such as:
  • Legal Name Correction
  • Residential Address Change
  • KYC reset, and others
If you still can't find the proper option and need our help, please contact our Customer Support team directly or the DPO team through our Data Protection Webform
Can I delete or disable my account?
Yes, you have the right to delete your account with us. In order to do that, please check this tutorial.
If you still need our help, please contact us through our Customer Support, and one of our agents will help you through the CS Chat. Alternatively, the DPO team will assist you through our Data Protection Webform
Can I request the deletion of my data?
Privacy laws grant you rights, including the right to the deletion of your personal data. However, these rights are subject to limitations.
While we respect your right to data deletion, legal and regulatory requirements compel us to retain certain information, such as financial transaction details, and information related to identity verification processes, and anti-money laundering measures, for a specified period.

That said, we are happy to accommodate any user request for the deletion of any of your personal data that is not explicitly required to be kept under applicable laws. This typically includes information used for marketing purposes or data related to any additional services you may have chosen to use.

If you have any more questions or need further assistance regarding your privacy rights and our data handling practices, please feel free to contact our Customer Support team directly or our DPO team through our Data Protection Webform
How can I opt out for or object to the processing for marketing purposes?
You can object, for reasons relating to your situation, to the processing of your personal data. For instance, you have the right to object where we rely on legitimate interest or where we process your data for direct marketing purposes.
We offer you the possibility to request that through our Data Protection Webform:
Click here to access our Webform
Is it possible to contest automated decisions?
Yes, it is. During the onboarding process at Binance, we do employ automated decision-making. It is widely used in our Know-Your-Customer (KYC) procedures. When you send us your documents, along with a photo and a live video, we use automation to accurately verify your identity, ensuring we comply with Anti-Money-Laundering (AML) regulations globally. However, we're aware that this process isn't perfect, and sometimes errors can occur. A classic example is when twin siblings attempt to set up separate accounts. Our system might mistakenly interpret this as one person trying to open two accounts under different names. There are other unique scenarios that might also lead to inaccuracies. Because we understand that these situations can arise, we've made sure to equip our app with relevant support features. If you need assistance, simply follow these steps in the app or webpage:
  1. Open the app/webpage and sign in to your account.
  2. Navigate to your profile and select the headphone/chat icon.
  3. Click on "View more" on the Self-Service section and Scroll down to the KYC section.
  4. Select the option that best suits your need, like "Failed Facial Verification Appeal", or "Appeal KYC Rejection."
If you follow these steps, we'll forward your request to one of our dedicated KYC Customer Support Agents. They'll take a closer look at your case with a manual review to ensure everything's in order. After a thorough check, they'll get back to you with an updated response.

If you still need our help, please contact us through our customer support or our DPO team through our Data Protection Webform
How do I exercise my right to data portability?
In some cases, you can ask to receive your personal data which you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, or, when this is possible, that we communicate your personal data on your behalf directly to another data controller.
We offer you the possibility to request that through our Webform:
Click here to access our Webform
How do I withdraw my consent?
We may rely upon your consent to use personal data to perform some processing activities. On the platform we use cookies for analytics and advertising purposes and you can revoke or give your consent at anytime. In this case, you can withdraw your consent within the app.
In order to do that, please follow the steps below:
  1. Open the app/webpage and sign in to your account.
  2. Navigate to your profile and select the gear icon.
  3. Scroll down to the "Others" section at the bottom of the page.
  4. Tap on "Privacy", then on the section "Marketing and Analytics", click on the button next to the items"Analytics" or "Advertising", as you wish.

For marketing communications, we offer you a link at the end of every communication sent where you unsubscribe to revoke your consent*.

For any other support regarding consent, we offer you the possibility to request that through our Webform:
Click here to access our Data Protection Webform

*For security reasons, transactional account messages and communications regarding our business relationship will not be affected even if you opt-out from marketing communications.
Who can I contact for legal support/law enforcement requests?
Binance has dedicated pages to provide support to users or government bodies when it comes to court orders or law enforcement requests.
For law enforcement matters, government and law enforcement agencies can use this system to submit information requests.
For freezing/disclosure requests related to a court order, legal representatives can reach out to our Binance Customer Service directly here who, when relevant, will escalate your case to the legal team. If you are not a Binance user, you can nonetheless use this link and continue as a “Visitor”
Check our Privacy Notice
If you want to access our Privacy Notice, please click here.

Remember that you should refer to the applicable Privacy Notice for your jurisdiction by selecting your country of residence on the top right of our website.
Contact the DPO team