Modern Slavery Policy

At Avast, our commitment to respect human rights is embedded in this Modern Slavery Policy. We will respect human rights in all of our operations and business dealings.

1. What is our Modern Slavery Policy?

Slavery, servitude, child labour, forced labour, human trafficking and any related exploitation (together, “modern slavery”) will not be tolerated by Avast.

Avast operates in many countries around the world, which have domestic laws against modern slavery. This policy is designed to ensure that Avast complies with the applicable laws in the jurisdictions in which Avast operates and with relevant international standards, including the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the International Labour Organisation Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Avast has published the Avast Supplier Guidelines to illustrate these principles.

2. How will Avast identify the modern slavery risks in the business?

We will conduct due diligence to identify and assess the risk of modern slavery in our business and supply chain, and remediate it, where required. We will review and re-assess our approach on a regular basis.

It is Avast's responsibility to ensure that there are safe and effectively managed channels and procedures to report modern slavery. The Avast Ethics & Reporting Line can be accessed 24 hours per day at:

3. How will Avast enforce the policy?

The General Counsel together with the Internal Audit team has overall responsibility for ensuring this policy complies with our legal obligations and that Avast staff and others under our control comply with it. All directors, officers, employees must:

a. read and understand this policy;
b. undertake necessary training, where relevant;
c. avoid any activity that might lead to, or constitute modern slavery; and
d. raise any concerns and report any actual or suspected modern slavery at Avast or at our business partners either to the appropriate line manager, Senior HR Business Partner, Legal, a member of the Internal Audit team or via the Avast Ethics & Reporting Line.

Any suspected breach of this policy will be investigated and any person found to be in breach may face disciplinary action.

4. Communication

This Policy will be posted on Avast’s website and on its internal intranet for employees.

5. Modern Slavery Transparency Statement

Additionally, Avast will publish within six months of the end of each financial year its annual Modern Slavery Transparency Statement on its home webpage and, if required, submit the Statement to the appropriate regulatory authorities, in compliance with international laws, including under section 54(1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and section 13 of the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018. The Transparency Statement will detail the steps Avast has taken in the last financial year to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place in any of its supply chains and in any part of its own business. See our Modern Slavery Transparency Statement here.

6. Recruitment

Avast will adopt international standards in its recruitment of staff, including the Employer Pays Principle, and require its business partners to adhere to labor, health, safety and employment laws in the countries in which they operate, and to ensure that they have or put in place measures to prevent and address modern slavery. If we become aware of any facts to suggest that one of our partners engages in modern slavery, we will thoroughly investigate, and where appropriate, terminate the relationship and report to the responsible national or international authorities.

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