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The temple garment that is worn by most faithful adult members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) can only be purchased through the Church - either online at or through a distribution center store (the church operates these stores in most major cities). In order to purchase the garments or even browse the selection, one must present their Temple Recommend card. The website and distribution center stores are open to the public and offer many products which anyone can purchase, but temple garments are in a seperate section that can only be accessed by those with recommend card.

The garments are sold at cost and are comparable in price to most commercially available underwear, but in the event that a Church member cannot afford them he or she may speak with their Bishop who can help them obtain the garments for free or at a discount.

Historically, the temple garments were available to anyone and were sold by public department stores and commercial mail-order catalogues, but this ended several decades ago.

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