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Brandy Mayert

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Q: How is firing photons at the surface of a metal analogous to rolling different types of balls at a set of bowling pins ?
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Why does the force of gravity do no work on a bowling ball rolling down a bowling alley?

Work is definied in Physics as the Force acting on an object times the distance the object is moved by that Force, or W = fd Since Force is mass times acceleration (F=ma), and because the ball is on a surface that is perpendicular to the force exerted by gravity, there is no gravitational acceleration (a), hence no Force, so no Work is done by gravity.

A golf ball and a bowling ball have the same kinetic energy which is moving faster?

a golf ball because the weight is lighter and the wind helps iti think that the bowling ball will move faster because it has more mass.If my information was helpful please let me know in your comment!!Thank YouHOTGAL (!!EAGLE ALL DAII!!)^I think that's wrong.I think the bowling ball because it has more mass.My science teacher had this really good example:If you were standing in a hole,and I was rolling a bowling ball and a golf ball at you, which would change your face more?The bowling ball would change your face more.Here's another example which I got from my dad:If your dad and your younger sibling was running towards you,who would injure you more?It would be your dad because he has more mass than your younger sibling.Hope that helps.:D-Chubby Ninja

When does rolling friction apply?

When things are rolling.

Ball rolling down a bowling alley and you'll find it moves slightly slower with time Does this violate Newton's law of inertia?

No it does not violate the law of inertia. This is because while a Bowling Alley is very smooth, it is not exactly frictionless, there is still some friction that acts on the ball, hence slowing it down. Newton said that a body will remain in its state or rest or of motion in a straight line provided there is NO other force acting on the body, but here, we do have a frictional force that acts on it.

Tell you some apllications of rolling friction?

A wheel is an example of rolling friction. An example of rolling friction would be if you took kyle leary and folled him down a hill. his fat touching the grond would create rolling friction

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