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Dragongeek's user avatar
Dragongeek's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years, 1 month
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  • Germany
82 votes

Semi-plausible reason why only NERF weaponry will kill invading aliens

79 votes

Signs of wealth in a world where private planet ownership is common

62 votes

Why would an advanced civilization even want slaves?

52 votes

Are 'tree waterfalls' possible?

45 votes

Why can't escape pods be opened from the inside?

44 votes

Any good way for an AI to prove that they are an AI?

43 votes

What would a 1.5 km wide, 20 km tall spire look like?

40 votes

Why is super hero technology never used by civilians?

39 votes

Underwater Cuneiform?

33 votes

Could you design a fighter plane for a centaur?

29 votes

How do I justify short-range engagements in space?

28 votes

Are jumping ships feasible? (Not jump drives, but ships that jump)

27 votes

Without modern electronics, how could you determine your longitude, latitude, and altitude while lost deep underground?

26 votes

How much weight can a human wear without tipping over?

25 votes

How can invading aliens access the Internet to find out all about us?

24 votes

Could polygamous family survive half siblings incest?

21 votes

30 year Groundhog day: Surviving High School over and over with sanity intact (ie how to avoid the repetitiveness of school life?)

20 votes

Best gun in the post-apocalyptic Wasteland?

20 votes

Why would people invest in very-long-term commercial space exploration projects?

20 votes

Could accuracy compensate for lack of strength in archery?

20 votes

How would criminals be punished in a world where everyone can teleport?

20 votes

How practical would it be to use a handgun-knife hybrid weapon?

19 votes

Why do lizardfolk wear clothing?

18 votes

Constructing a secret villain base - best ways for covert short-range air transport?

18 votes

How would the US military efficiently deal with Necromorph-like zombies?

17 votes

30 year groundhogs day: how to increase the world's technology

17 votes

Is it plausible for a tribe to have a standing army?

16 votes

On our way to Mars: how do we do the laundry?

16 votes

What movies would you show aliens to show we are friendly?

16 votes

Why would people migrate to a colony with miserable living conditions?

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