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Gustavo's user avatar
Gustavo's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Uruguay
156 votes

Why would a berry have a slow-acting poison?

63 votes

Why would people still use pump-action guns in the future?

51 votes

How to utilize dragons that are too small to ride in warfare?

27 votes

Where do I put nobles/royalty in a science fiction military?

26 votes

Why do gargoyles have wings when they can't fly?

18 votes

Explanation as to why Male/Female Wizards have sexy bodies

14 votes

What benefits would a symbiotic relationship with an algae provide to the host?

13 votes

Can a world where everyone has a time machine be consistent?

12 votes

How much would we learn from observing an FTL starship fly by?

10 votes

Would a javelin fly further in a vacuum?

10 votes

How fast could a humanoid robot run?

9 votes

Logical reason why would the bunker population use Wastelander DNA samples?

9 votes

How would a creature with a higher body temperature interact with surroundings?

8 votes

Ships as survival world (post-apocalyptic world)

8 votes

Balancing psychics powers

8 votes

Anatomically Correct Egyptian God/dess

7 votes

What would be the best metal deposit a colony of dwarves to sit upon? (except iron)

7 votes

Post-apocalypse ammo

7 votes

How could pirates reasonably transport dinosaurs in captivity, some of them enormous, across oceans?

6 votes

What is a recently obsolete computer storage device that would be significantly difficult to extract data from?

6 votes

What would a society where humans coexist with a second species with the intelligence of an 8 year old look like?

6 votes

How to detect a "love" potion?

6 votes

How to fight against Lion People?

6 votes

Why give an android emotions?

6 votes

What evolutionary pressures would lead to Elves?

6 votes

Ancient temple booby traps designed for dragons

5 votes

How to convince a lot of people to join a cage anarchist country?

5 votes

What is keeping my Terror Bird from being the size of a T. Rex?

5 votes

Possible character body modification for wielding large swords

5 votes

How to design a species with hollow breasts?