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if people are bred like dogs, what can be achieved?
@elemtilas Humans are animals and everything you do with animals, you can do with human.
if people are bred like dogs, what can be achieved?
When you compare pugs to wolves, you realize that the Habsburg were still pretty fine, compared to what can be achieved if you really go for it.
Why raise livestock only in newer planetary settlements?
@StarfishPrime I'm sure we could find loads of explications for a universe in which people prefer to eat artificial meat than real meat. But that's not the topic of that question.
Why raise livestock only in newer planetary settlements?
You wrote the answer in your question "the artificial versions aren't quite the same". If you have a choice between artificial and non artificial, but artificial is worse, why would people pick it ?
designing an elven magic system that blends with a WW1-esque world
They might lose a few cities but when all your officers in the controlled cities are assassinated; and a few weeks after the start of the war your country leaders are too... then maybe you decide it might not have been a good idea to attack the magically sneaky elves.
How can I design a benevolent, all-powerful deity, and still have a society with day-to-day issues?
When your children are adults, they'll be on their own and have to push through life's suffering alone. That's why you need to train them in a controlled environment to be independant. So maybe that's what God is doing. The world these people live in is only a preparation for a next step where their God won't be able to interveine. He has to let some suffering in.
Permanent Full moon via "Magic"
@DavidK "For the moon to [...]" --> That's a reformulation of my answer yes. I didn't say the other planet was on the same orbit, I said it was on the same radius, as in, on a same line leaving the sun, behind the occupied planet. So yeah, on a bigger orbit too.
Permanent Full moon via "Magic"
@NuclearHoagie That's why I added the PS. If we want the planet to appear the same size the moon appears to us, I don't think it'd be stable.
How could a Renaissance level feudal society get into space?
@Vilx- You run up the stairs and jump very hard! Duh.
Would Artificial Gravity With Short Range Be Possible?
Since OP's question starts from something that doesn't exist (artificial gravity), any question about an evolution of that concept can't be answered any other way than "if you want".
Can human geniuses be cloned with modern technology?
This doesn't answer that we probably can indeed clone humans.
How would perpetual motion technology (and "free" energy) affect poverty?
OP's question specifically talks about a '0$ bill', which would only happen with unlimited free energy. So I maintain that solar power is not a good analogy.
How would perpetual motion technology (and "free" energy) affect poverty?
Solar energy isn't efficient at the scale of a country and individuals need to pay quite a bit upfront (as you said). The fact that it kinda reimburse itself up after 20 years is not a good argument to say its free. It's like saying that buying a house is free because you can sell it later at higher cost and completely reimburse yourself. Free unlimited energy is being able to let all your electrical apparels on all the time because there's no bill at the end. Unlimited light, warm water, warm or cold air in your house, car battery... We definitely can't have that through solar power.
How would perpetual motion technology (and "free" energy) affect poverty?
Solar power is not free, is pretty expensive to exploit and isn't very efficient. I don't think it's a good comparison to what OP has in mind.
How horny can humans get before it's too horny
I don't think this is a great answer. Most of the time when people ask "I want a reason for this" people say "it's fantasy, just do it if it's cool". Here OP just ask if some end result is practical, the fact that it wouldn't appear in a realistic setting shouldn't really matter.
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