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Mindwin Remember Monica's user avatar
Mindwin Remember Monica's user avatar
Mindwin Remember Monica
  • Member for 9 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
144 votes

Would a bear cavalry be feasible?

44 votes

How do you prove you're from the future?

43 votes

If every star in the universe except the Sun were destroyed, would we die?

38 votes

After we drain the Sun and migrate, why would humanity find the Solar System important?

28 votes

A nation is using a dragon in sieges. How could they neutralize ballistas without putting the dragon in danger?

27 votes

How does a migratory species farm?

26 votes

Minimizing bleeding, maximizing killing

24 votes

How can I heat my buildings without fire in a low-fantasy setting?

20 votes

How close can we get to heated blades?

19 votes

Disease that requires regular medicine

19 votes

Could a star hold up to 16 planets?

17 votes

How does Santa eat every cookie?

16 votes

Why do people in Cryogenic sleep not wear clothes?

14 votes

How to tell someone they have travelled in time, by gesturing?

13 votes

I want my aliens to arrive at the edges of the solar system. They would arrive in a week. What do I need to have?

13 votes

How to utilize dragons that are too small to ride in warfare?

12 votes

No newborns on Earth. How much time to find a cure?

12 votes

How do you prove you're from the future?

10 votes

What is the most economical way to dispose of the late in space?

10 votes

What would prevent the genocide of a legitimately dangerous race?

10 votes

What would be the quickest way to sterilize a planet from several light-years away?

9 votes

Are current electrodes as good and fast as optic nerves transmiting information?

9 votes

Two consanguineous human princes (same father and mother). How far apart in age could they be?

7 votes

Rite of Winter: How to Stop Crescian Couples from Mutual Assassination

7 votes

How many people would you need to pull a whale over cobblestone streets?

5 votes

Hallway cannon, the last way out

5 votes

Can a dragon's fire breath be liquid based?

5 votes

Evolve back to human

4 votes

Help! My Mother-in-law got Mind-Uploaded and now pesters me through the surround system

3 votes

How could matings between two species produce only female offspring?