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Willk's user avatar
Willk's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
-1 votes

What is the best way to vent gas to cool a star cruiser?

-1 votes

How to make firearms rare while metal is still widely available.

-1 votes

How can testes be housed in the body without damaging sperm?

-1 votes

A 21st Century Duelling Code

-1 votes

What Other Types of Broadleaves Would Grow in Subarctic Conditions?

-1 votes

How can I provide reasons for racism?

-1 votes

Energy availability in interstellar space

-1 votes

The Four-Winged Angel

-1 votes

How could a private corporation take over the British government

-1 votes

Plausible way to send a moon crashing into the planet it's orbiting?

-1 votes

How would deafening as punishment be carried out?

-1 votes

How a hero can detect or test his own immortality?

-1 votes

What exactly would a spaceship crew do, during a battle?

-1 votes

White Dwarf mining?

-1 votes

Drop capsule shape

-1 votes

The "Best" Blunt Weapon?

-2 votes

Vertebrate-like creatures with more than four limbs

-2 votes

How much does a moon’s gravity effect the "free-fall acceleration" of an object on the planets surface?

-2 votes

A cure for the 'Kessler Syndrome'?

-2 votes

A possible solution to stealth in space

-2 votes

Can this planet in a binary star system exist?

-2 votes

Can encouragement of same sex relationships be used as a form of population control?

-2 votes

Can Advanced Matter-based Weapons Target Fast-moving Targets Deep in the Atmosphere Without Collateral Damage?

-2 votes

Effectiveness of a modern-built Q-ship in the Napoleonic Wars

-2 votes

How would one get a small moon spinning?

-3 votes

How do I make a steam engine work - with next-to-zero hydrocarbons, or, for that matter, biomatter - to use as fuel?

-3 votes

How could mercenaries become a lot more prevalent with well funded & competent militaries still in existence?

-3 votes

Sea Monster Hunting Crew Roster

-4 votes

Clothing against the wind

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