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  • Member for 7 years, 8 months
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8 votes

How might kinetosynthesizing "plants" look?

8 votes

Best places to be on Earth when an all out nuclear World War III breaks out?

5 votes

Why would Mermaids develop ships?

4 votes

Anatomically Correct Modular Body Plan Animals

4 votes

How long would this eclipse last?

4 votes

What would the sky look like from the surface of a planet with rings?

4 votes

Evolution in dragons

3 votes

Could a species with a lifespan of 20 years achieve enough technological progress to reach space?

3 votes

Feasibility of a Crystal Ecosystem

3 votes

Does a planet's axial tilt and seasonal progression affect a planetary-ring system, as seen from the planet surface?

3 votes

How do I make a space battle both realistic, with physics in play such as no sound and weird motion, but also very epic and intense still?

3 votes

Build an impregnable fortress in the middle ages with modern technology

3 votes

Does my plot point centered around eclipses make sense?

3 votes

How do sapient birds/theropods build their seats?

3 votes

Terraformed Venus and Mars

3 votes

Anatomically Correct Whomping Willow

3 votes

How would I go about establishing phenotype in the case of co-dominance where mixed phenotype is not an option?

3 votes

Would a Oil platform-like battle-ship face too much water drag?

2 votes

What would be the most realistic approach for a Seismic Radar in a Land-ship?

2 votes

What is the largest dragon that could take off without destroying the planet?

2 votes

Do mermaids lay eggs underwater or give birth to live young?

2 votes

Magic: Reality check of effects of mass-altering magic

2 votes

How could a goverment sell prisoners as slaves (without giving advantage to richs)?

2 votes

Can a troll hide withstand bullets?

2 votes

Could dwarves do without wood?

2 votes

Controlling personal gravity – how would it affect a warrior's combat style?

1 vote

How to prevent a fantasy world response to repeated near extinction events?

1 vote

Gadget: Insect wings

1 vote

Nuclear magic: Surviving your own spells

1 vote

Dwarfism in a 9 foot tall humanoid race