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Sherwood Botsford's user avatar
Sherwood Botsford
  • Member for 8 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
28 votes

Would earthlike planets in other solar systems have well-known Earth gemstones such as rubies, emeralds and sapphires?

27 votes

How do you make men relevant in a setting where only women can use magic?

23 votes

How to monetize magical mirrors in today's world?

21 votes

Are there any good alternates to iron?

19 votes

Why would two factions in a long-running civil war tolerate the existence of a city not controlled by either party?

16 votes

How to prove that the solar system isn't inside of a localized physics bubble?

15 votes

A steel-cutting sword?

14 votes

What could a Medieval society do with excess animal blood?

14 votes

How to get an extreme temperature range between equator and poles without tidal locking

14 votes

How can I make manure without cows?

13 votes

How long does it take for islands to form after an underwater volcanic eruption?

13 votes

Crucial and unlikely discoveries in history

13 votes

How do I resolve science-based problems in my worldbuilding?

12 votes

Passive Cooling Techniques for Apartment Buildings

11 votes

Flying Mammal Roughly The Size of A Large Dog

11 votes

Can the Iceworld civilization feed itself?

10 votes

Taking all the blood of a dozen humans and putting it into acid – could I create a wolf?

10 votes

Grammatical tenses for time travelers

9 votes

100 mile high mega-tall building physically possible?

9 votes

What stars and composition of gases should my planets have to have a sky for each colour in the rainbow?

9 votes

How to build a trap to last the ages?

9 votes

Rotation, weight and planet size

8 votes

Would a Moon made of water pose a threat to Earth during eclipses?

8 votes

Is this map realistic/believeable?

8 votes

Plausible reason for gold-digging ant

8 votes

How could medieval fantasy alternative to a cannon work without magic or gunpowder?

8 votes

How could a Great Chasm be created?

8 votes

What level of manufacturing would a "mining world" possess?

7 votes

How can two planets merge into another, bigger planet?

7 votes

How do I make the tardigrade sapient?

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