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For questions about how a species, or life in general, was created.

For questions about the origins of living things. This may vary in scope from a single individual or species to all life in the universe.

Many methods can be used to explain the origin of all life, including:

  • Abiogenesis or biopoiesis. Molecules like DNA or RNA may assemble themselves naturally, forming life out of inorganic substances. This literally means "not organic creation".
  • Panspermia. This idea states that life first developed somewhere else, but was carried to a world. Meteorites or intelligent aliens may be the culprit, but the focus here is that life came from afar.
  • Higher power. This idea states that a godlike being designed life, often without any evolution involved. It is often religious.

... and the development of a single species often focuses on

  • Evolution. If the question is not asking about the very start of life, but rather how a single species came about, it will likely refer to how a species developed over time.

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