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What would the weather and climate be like on an Earth-size Mars with an atmospheric pressure of 1 atm? [duplicate]

Assuming the planet still has the same atmospheric composition as the real-world Mars (95% CO2, 3% N2, and 1.3% Ar) and has a global temperature of 284K (10.85°C) based on the answer to my previous ...
Sam Biswas's user avatar
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Effects of Day/Night divide on airflow patterns on a binary planet

I'm currently working on a project with a binary planetary system (both planets are around .8 earth mass with some variation), and naturally, the planets are tidally locked to each other, leading to a ...
Max Bird's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How would weather on a Cube-World with uniform surface gravity behave?

In a cube-world with uniform surface gravity with mildly rounded corners, how would weather behave? The Cube-world is roughly earth-sized, with the edges rounded by about a hundred kilometers. Gravity ...
DDriggs00's user avatar
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7 votes
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Weather on a Hot Saturn

So, out of curiosity and for the purposes of a roleplay universe I am making, I am curious about the weather on a Hot Saturn. This planet, nearly identical in mass, composition and size to Saturn, is ...
Danvad's user avatar
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Water distribution on tidally locked planet with small northern ocean

Possible repeat of this, but the northern ocean wasn't really addressed. Picture a mars-like planet, with a rocky, mountainous southern hemisphere, and a flatter, low-elevation northern hemisphere. ...
planetQuestioner's user avatar
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Would a planet whose sun is always in one place have weather?

The world I’m writing atm has a planet whose sun is described as being permanently moved above its North Pole. Because of a lack of technology (and interest) in outer space, they wouldn’t have a ...
Rainsford's user avatar
4 votes
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Weather and climate of an Earth-like planet orbiting an orange dwarf

I am creating a solar system with fictional planets as a setting for my space novel. Luckily I have some nice tools for creating quite accurate astronomical data. The planet where my protagonists live ...
Alessandro Miletti's user avatar
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How would weather work on a planet with no rotation and constant sun on all sides?

A while ago I had an idea of a man made planet that consist of a thick, incredibly strong, outer crust, and at the core there is an antigravity/antimatter device that also produces consistent heat and ...
nutella breakfast 's user avatar
3 votes
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Would the substellar point on a tidally locked planet with a large continent over that point and oceans around the edges be covered in rainforest?

I have been working on a tidally locked planet for some time now. During this time I have worked under the assumption that the substellar point would be arid because of the constant bombardment of ...
treeg886's user avatar
4 votes
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A 1:1 tidally locked world begins to spin. What sorts of non-solar natural disasters occur?

As stated a tidally locked world that has complete 1:1 begins to spin slowly. It starts slowly, a 2:1 ratio that steadily ramps up over the course of a month to one rotation every month, which would ...
Quinn's user avatar
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Clouds on a tidally-locked planet

I have an ocean world in my science-fiction universe which is tidally-locked to its star. The planet is a tidally-detached moon from one the gas giants in the outer system, and orbits a red dwarf star....
user98816's user avatar
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Would a planet with a retrograde spin function as if it were spinning faster or slower?

I am thinking in terms of the Coriolis Effect, atmospheric circulation and specifically Hadley Cell latitudinal width here, but the base question still stands. For ease of reference, if we take a ...
Rexotec's user avatar
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Climate types for large volcanic islands on tidally locked planet

My planet is tidally locked to a red dwarf, which itself orbits a yellow sun like our own. It has roughly the same atmospheric conditions as Earth (perhaps a slightly thicker atmosphere, but not ...
DMacc1917's user avatar
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Could this sort of celestial system work?

I am attempting to create a pair of planets, both capable of harboring life. Which happens to also be quite colossal in design. We are talking about 10.13x the size of Earth. So the system I am ...
Bangerton's user avatar
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How much would Earth's temperature change if days were 28 hours long?

I know it would be colder at night and hotter during the day, but by how much? And it would impact atmospheric pressure, right?
thejuicyiguana's user avatar
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What are the challenges of living on a planet with constant meteor showers?

I have been thinking of a planet that has or is experience(ing) a lunar holocaust; moon broke into pieces and many of them fell to the planet. Initial disasters probably caused a massive mass-...
Quinn's user avatar
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7 votes
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Can my Planet Have Liquid Water at the Poles -- But Only During the Winter?

I have a planet about the size of earth. It is a desert planet with an atmosphere at 0.1 atm, made of 90% co2 and 10% n2. Water at this pressure should freeze at 35℉ and boil at 125℉. The planet has a ...
Sean Holm's user avatar
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What would the weather be like on an earth like planet the size of Jupiter? [closed]

Let’s get this out of the way: yes, I have considered the fact that there would be a massive gravity difference, but I have figured out a way around it. (It’s implausible in our reality, but works for ...
Misenthrope's user avatar
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Weather patterns on a world with a homogenous distribution of land and ocean?

What would the weather patterns be like on an Earth with a more homogenous distribution of land and ocean? That is, keep the overall amount of water the same, the ratio of water to land the same (...
Drewch's user avatar
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4 answers

Would a planet with stronger winds create more interesting landforms through weathering?

If I design a planet with stronger winds (maybe on average 40 mph, rather than the 7 mph average winds we have here), would interesting land formations be more common due to increased wind erosion, or ...
Elhammo's user avatar
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Is my map of prevailing winds on a binary planet realistic?

My binary planet consists of a Venus sized earth-like planet, tidally locked to a mars sized “super mercury”, with their centers separated by about 7 Venus radii. I know the coriolis effect would ...
Sean Holm's user avatar
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Is this an accurate environment for life on a super Earth speculatively?

My alien planet is a super Earth. It revolves around a K-type star in the habitable zone and has a lower gravity. The mass is that of 2 Earths(or how ever superearths mass normally are).The atmosphere ...
Erik Sanchez's user avatar
5 votes
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How could I design storms in an arctic setting that would logically become more severe as a result of a changing climate?

Part of my story is set on an arctic planet (think something along the lines of Hoth or just some planet deep in an ice age) where a research team is sent by a major intergalactic corporation. I want ...
user16768946's user avatar
29 votes
11 answers

Can a habitable world rain glass?

Requirements: There is a solid surface. Somewhere on the surface, the temperature exceeds 2,230 C, such that pure silica vaporizes. Elsewhere on the surface, the temperature is at most 25 C, such ...
Logan R. Kearsley's user avatar
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How can a planet's seasons be only controlled by either its land, sky or water?

I have a planet established (similar to Earth) which instead of countries has 3 main zones of habitation: land, water & sky. Each supernatural inhabitant looks after one natural part of this ...
FrontEnd's user avatar
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How Do I Make Trappist-1g Habitable (in a fantasy setting)

This question is not about terraforming! (or atleast not technological terraforming) I am writing a fantasy story set in the (real) Trappist-1 system. I am trying to faithfully keep most of the ...
skout's user avatar
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Weather in a desert planet

Neviat, it is a desert planet with 81.5% of the Earth's atmospheric pressure and 80% of its gravity, it is generally dry but has many lakes and oases at its poles, the temperature across the latitudes ...
Bowman's user avatar
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What would the Climate effects of a Circum-Equatorial current be on a world with 0 degrees of axial tilt

The basics of my worlds oceanography is that there is one large ocean that covers one side of the world completely, and in-between the northern and southern continents on the other side of the world, ...
skout's user avatar
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What would the atmosphere of the Archaean Earth look like? (Before massive oxygenation)

I am designing an exoplanet in the Alpha Centauri system that is remarkably like ancient Earth before photosynthetic life developed and proliferated oxygen into the air. For Archaean Earth's ...
Koon W's user avatar
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Ring of storms around a planet

I'm looking to see if it's possible to create a planet which has constant, violent storms occurring in a ring around the planet. There's been plenty of questions on here about weather on tidally ...
Brad0440's user avatar
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How can a planet have relatively common lethal hailstones?

Sometimes hailstones reach sizes that are deadly to large animals and people and livestock have been killed. This is a relatively rare occurrence on Earth of course. If I want a planet where lethal ...
Axion's user avatar
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World with two directly opposed habitable continents, one hot one cold, with significant geographical barrier between them

I'm trying to design a planet with two continents where one is always warm/hot and the other is cool/cold. The continents should be directly opposite each other (so not a pole and an equatorial one). ...
チェズ's user avatar
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What is the ideal day length for extreme weather?

This question is in reference to a previous question by TrEs-2b and SRM: I want to create a planet with a significantly longer day than Earth's. However, I was only able to find a question about a ...
Mandelbrot's user avatar
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Tidally Locked Planet with no Oceans

Picture an earth-mass, breathable atmosphere planet; tidally locked to a red dwarf; orbiting far enough out that the dayside is not scorching; and with no planet-wide liquid oceans (but probably local ...
Dalas120's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is my air pressure system okay? [closed]

Second question here. So in a previous question I got told to make a wind system to determine precipitation, which in turn needs and air pressure system. I've attached two images, the first is when ...
Boff's user avatar
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How Could A Planet With Extremely Enlarged Subtropical Zones Exist?

In my Book Series, I want there to be a vaguely Earth-sized planet called Awal with an Earth-like atmosphere. However, climate-wise, I need the subtropical climate zones in each hemisphere to cover 40%...
The Weasel Sagas's user avatar
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How Would I Make an Oceanless World Feasible?

The planet I'm thinking of is of similar size and distance from its star relative to Earth, but it lacks oceans, instead consisting of one massive continent with a huge mountain range (reminiscent of ...
The Weasel Sagas's user avatar
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If we dug a really big hole on Mars, how long would it last?

How long will a 400 km wide 30 km deep pit (trench or crater) with a relatively shallow (for stability) gradient of slope of 20 degrees from the edge to the surface of the planets crust be expected to ...
Pelinore's user avatar
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Can a Jupiter-Like Gas Giant Have Deep, Dark Storms?

For this question, I was inspired by the following image of the "Jupiter Abyss": What I want to know is, can a Jupiter-like gas giant have thousands of giant black storms, kind of like what I've ...
overlord's user avatar
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How can glass marbles naturally occur in a desert?

I had a dream that on my alien planet, there was a large desert that had naturally occurring glass marbles in the sand. My dream logic was that the sand was melted into glass and natural weathering ...
Tardigreat's user avatar
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Keeping an "hot eyeball planet" wet

Consider such a tidally locked planet: Many issues with tidally locked worlds have been discussed, but I'm not clear on how the water cycle for an otherwise Earth-like tidally locked world, would be ...
aadv's user avatar
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What's the climate consequences of a planet with these characteristics?

I'm designing a new planet, but I'm having some troubles figuring out the climate. The planet's rotation axis is at a 45° angle relative to its orbital plane, and each rotation takes 24h. The planet'...
Mr_Bober's user avatar
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What set of circumstances are most likely to lead to a planet with a climate resembling the Great Plains?

Part of my story will be set on a planet where a culture similar to that of the Old West has arisen - cowboys, frontier towns, homesteaders, etc. In order to make this development more plausible, I ...
Locaq's user avatar
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Planet with Gridlike Seas

An Earth analog had been modified by an advanced species to have saltwater seas in an interconnected grid across the planet's surface. The planet has no true oceans and only the large grid network of ...
Thalassan's user avatar
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Meterology of double planets sharing an atmosphere

If two planets were tidally locked and shared an atmosphere, as described in this question, what would the weather patterns of the planets be like? What weather patterns would form, and could these ...
tox123's user avatar
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Would storms on an ocean world harm the marine life?

On a habitable world completely covered in water, with no land above sea-level, there would presumably be storms of biblical proportions. Suppose this world has oceans so deep that the deeper layers ...
SealBoi's user avatar
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How does steppenwolf planet generates typhoon?

In a distant future, a spaceship was investigating a gravitational anomaly somewhere within a chartered sector in the Andromeda galaxy. A disaster strikes and the spaceship was found marooned on a ...
user6760's user avatar
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What would climate be like on a tidally locked planet? [duplicate]

How would climate behave on a tidally locked planet? Would there be zones like the ones on earth or not?
Leo Fisher's user avatar
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How can Mars have life but still be "The Red Planet"

Building on this question "Discovery of life on Mars" Mars is habitable (40% the mass of Earth, 6.06 m/s² gravity, escape velocity of 7.88 km/s, a satellite big enough to stabilize its axis and has ...
MANIAC's user avatar
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What would happen to the Earth if it were suddenly transported to a completely empty void? [duplicate]

The entire planet Earth is suddenly teleported (never mind how for now) to a completely empty space. No sun, no moon, no stars or other planets. There's absolutely nothing out there and it appears ...
Len's user avatar
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