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Questions tagged [life]

For questions about the characteristics of living beings in different settings. This tag is not for questions about the daily life of characters.

0 votes
4 answers

Could a planet be cut in half and still sustain life? [closed]

Say some sort of anti-planet weapon shoots an arc of energy slicing the planet in 2, could the said planet keep it’s atmosphere and life.
1 vote
0 answers

Underwater life on a 3G world [closed]

I'm creating a 3G ocean world and am wondering how the heavier gravity would affect life under this ocean?
-3 votes
1 answer

2.5x atmospheric pressure + 25% atmospheric oxygen saturation level =? [closed]

So my question is pretty much as the title states, what would be the effects on the human body with these atmospheric conditions? More specifically, how would effect the growth of land mammals, ...
7 votes
5 answers

What evolutionary driver could produce life that are animated only by light?

Imagine an alien world populated by silicon based lifeforms, the mega fauna can only be animated by exposure to adequate lights from the star or the moon. This world concept is inspired by a ...
3 votes
1 answer

Darkness on a hycean world

Hycean worlds are planets twice as big as earth and covered in water oceans and with atmosphere full of hydrogen. A dark hycean world is one such world tidally locked to a star with one side forever ...
4 votes
2 answers

Existence of life using sulfur instead of oxygen

All life on earth (or at least most of them) require oxygen, at least to form the organic molecules that build up life. We know that sulfur has similar chemical properties. Organic compounds that ...
3 votes
1 answer

Plants or something else that enriches distilled water

I'm writing a story in a world very similar to our Earth, but with few differences. In this world, the "human" beings have to deal with the shortage of drinkable water. But they have plenty ...
-4 votes
2 answers

Reasons why a sentient universe would create life? [closed]

The basic idea I had was that the universe basically thought itself into being and from there decided to create life. It sent out the seeds for life to begin, then created a race to watch over things. ...
7 votes
3 answers

Biological siege weapons: Part 2 - Can a living thing effectively perform the role of ranged siege weaponry such as trebuchets?

As was pointed out by the great answers of my first question regarding biological siege weapons, organisms can be rather capable of making it through fortified defenses at close range, but what about ...
2 votes
4 answers

Too much oxygen and not enough carbon

If a planet has a lot of oxygen to support mega flora and fauna, how much would be too much? My planet has the oxygen content about that of the carboniferous(as a starter example), which had a about ...
15 votes
15 answers

Biological siege weapons: Part 1 - Are living things capable of breaking down the gates of a medieval gatehouse?

The setting features biomancers who, to summarize, are magic users who can create living things as minions or servants through various ways(seeds, modified eggs, whatever), have the option to directly ...
7 votes
1 answer

How big of a reactor a colony of a million should have for self sustaining, closed loop existance, assuming current level of technologies [duplicate]

Suppose there is no sun, how much total energy is required to grow food, recycle air, water, and waste for a single person. I want to know how large of a reactor would be needed to keep alive a ...
0 votes
2 answers

Would soil alone be able to provide everything that's needed to feed the development of an animal body without in-between edibles?

The setting features biomancers, mages who are like necromancers in that their magic revolves mainly around the use and obtaining or creation of minions or servants or the modification of said ...
5 votes
3 answers

What if all life disappeared from the earth?

What if all life (plants, animals, bacteria, fungi, and everything from the smallest cell to the largest whale) disappeared instantly? And here I don't mean things related to the disappearance of ...
1 vote
4 answers

Is an almost entirely water-based planet stable enough to stay as a planet for long enough for complex life to form?

Imagine an earth mass that consists purely and entirely of water that orbits a star similar to ours at a similar orbital distance to Mars(or whatever distance would be sufficient for the planet to ...

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