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Questions tagged [food]

For questions about sources and types of nutrition for a living organism.

-2 votes
2 answers

Adaptations for Anthropophagy [closed]

Let's say there are quadrupedal mammals close to around 100kg that have adapted to live in a typical medieval city and feed on predominantly human beings. The city and the animals therein have existed ...
11 votes
6 answers

Could alien species with blood based on different elements eat the same food?

In my Science Fantasy galaxy, I have several humanoid alien species with blood based on different elements, including iron (essentially human blood), copper (like Vulcans from Star Trek with green ...
7 votes
4 answers

The eating habits of metabolic wizards

If wizards had to draw energy from their bodies, using only existing biological processes and bound to vanilla human metabolism rates, how would they be inclined to maintain their bodies and diets to ...
5 votes
8 answers

How to feed interplanetary humanity?

2175: humanity has expanded to the other planets, has found the ninth planet by observing slight gravitational disturbances from one direction (it turns out to have many habitable-ish moons that, if ...
11 votes
6 answers

What species would make good flying livestock?

Domesticated magpies will carefully watch over these flying livestock like smarter, louder, sheepdogs, driving away would be predators (along with the help of a much smaller number of domesticated ...
8 votes
2 answers

Can Seals Eat Sushi?

In a story I'm writing at one point a kid's sitting on the docks and feeding the Seals sushi, and I'm wandering if that's actually possible, and what kinds of sushi they can actually eat or if it ...
5 votes
2 answers

Feasibility of cold-blooded Livestock

The research I have done recently (searching through Wikipedia) has yielded that generally cold-blooded animals (Ectotherms) are able to survive on less food that their warm-blooded counterparts, and ...
13 votes
15 answers

How to make animal husbandry the only agriculture possible

This world is inhabited by carnivorous humans, how they came to be remains a mystery. The geography is typical of a post-glacial world (fjords, lots of lakes, valley steppes, all that good stuff) and ...
10 votes
2 answers

Edible Dinosaur meat

What would it take to have edible non-therapod dinosaur meat in a world where humans and dinosaurs have coexist since human civilization? Or would the human body or creativity find a way to eat ...
1 vote
4 answers

How much food/drink would it take to properly feed 6 inch vs 72 feet people if the amount they need to eat stayed proportional to normal sized humans?

So say that a 5'6/6 feet person is shrunk down to action figure size(around 6 inches tall/12x smaller) or comes from a human/humanoid species that is naturally that size, how much food and drink would ...
7 votes
4 answers

How could a person make a concoction smooth enough to drink and inject without access to a blender? Is it possible?

I have this story where this dude turns himself into a mutant by saturating himself(drinking, cooking with, bathing in, inhaling, and injecting it) in this stuff he made with energy drinks, protein ...
23 votes
20 answers

A sentient carnivorous species trying to preserve life. How could they find a new food source?

This is a bit of a strange one but I have an idea for a purely carnivorous species (land or water based, not determined yet) that gains awareness and even fondness of the animals they hunt. Not in the ...
5 votes
2 answers

Would the diet described below sustain a human?

In my world I need to feed a colony of Kobolds. I'm modeling my Kobolds' dietary requirements on humans. My question is whether or not the following foodstuffs would meet the dietary needs of human ...
16 votes
4 answers

Bringing potatoes to the middle ages

A time traveller wants to save medieval Europe from famines by introducing the potato. The plan is, on first sight, simple: Just bring potatoes back with a time machine, and convince people to ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to feed a vampire blood spontaneously

Suppose a common situation with a vampire occurs. They're short of blood, you want to save them, you need to deliver a moderate amount of blood to them to revive them but you don't want to be ...

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