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For questions about fixed monetary compensation, distinct from hourly wages, piece wages, bonuses, and non-cash compensation.

Salary is fixed cash compensation paid to an employee in exchange for work, and is frequently the largest component of total compensation. It is a distinct and separate form of compensation from wages, bonuses, equity, and benefits.

The salary offered by an employer, or demanded by an employee, is affected by a number of contributing considerations:

  • Other forms of compensation offered or demanded in addition to salary
  • Availability of individuals capable and willing to perform the needed work
  • Quantity of employers seeking individuals for similar work
  • Any risks, hardships, or safety concerns associated with completing the work
  • Reputation of the employer and employee
  • Policies of the employer
  • Local regulations

Issues relevant to

Almost all employers, and many employees, will encounter questions about salary compensation. Relevant discussions on The Workplace include:

  • Negotiating an initial salary, either as employer or employee, for a new job
  • Negotiating, or making the decision to negotiate, increases to salary at a current job
  • Comparing alternatives to salary compensation
  • Discussing programs or policies that seek to make salaries transparent or secret within an organization
  • Understanding and discussing employer policies that seek to level salaries across the organization

You should consider using a different tag if your question is about:

  • Bonuses (use )
  • Equity compensation (use )
  • Benefits like health insurance or paid vacation (use )
  • Other forms of compensation like hourly wages or piece wages (use )

Related tags

Outside resources