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Questions tagged [relationships]

Questions related to personal relationships in a work context.

0 votes
2 answers

Asking project manager to put me in another project

Sorry for my english first. I am a programmer and I am working in a big outsourcing company, that provides programmers for other companies. Right now I am in a really bad project without any prospects ...
JaktensTid's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to deal with feeling left out at work? [closed]

I feel really lonely at work. At times I really just feel like my coworkers are only interacting with me because they have to. Here's the situation: I don't have any friends. So I think that might ...
SlowMation's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Crush on Cubicle neighbor from different team; how should I proceed? [closed]

I have a crush on a girl same age as me whose cubicle literally shares the same wall as mine. She is in a different team. For a couple of weeks now, we have never spoken a single word, despite having ...
Grouch Douglass's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Romantically rejected a more senior coworker; how can I protect myself?

A coworker recently asked me out in a romantic way and I turned them down. I don't work directly with this person, or report to them. They're not on my team. They are older and more senior. I don't ...
user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

My co-worker aggressively tries to supervise me. Nobody appointed him. What are my options? [duplicate]

The co-worker who works for longer in the company is aggressively trying to supervise me. He constantly attempts to make decisions for me, requires to redo the completed tasks, insists on using ...
eee's user avatar
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53 votes
7 answers

How to reclaim personal item I've lent to the office without burning bridges?

We had a company issued service mobile phone to be used for emergencies and office related texts and calls. 5 months ago our supervisor's personal mobile phone got damaged and he decided to use the ...
threeFatCat's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is it appropriate to ask management to give me an evaluation?

I've been working at my new Software Development job for almost four months now. I've been doing the best I can, and also working hard to go above and beyond every now and then. However, I'd like to ...
SlowMation's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Colleagues with less experience being promoted ahead

My (previous) colleague feels as though she has been passed up for multiple promotions. Her junior colleagues are being promoted, but she is not. What advice or guidance can I offer her? First thing ...
Gamora's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Phrasing an apology/ correcting possible misunderstanding

A couple of weeks ago I met a highly respected person in my field working in a C-suite position, during the smoking time outside, we chatted a bit, and he was interested in what do I have to offer, so ...
David's user avatar
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-4 votes
1 answer

Would it be acceptable like if you don't want to wear a t-shirt for a team video shoot in a large organization for some reasons? [closed]

The full details, if you want to read, are written under this question In short, due to privacy reasons, possible reactions by people who know me, my lifestyle, my background, my shape and my ...
Vikas's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

I got a new job, and a friend turned hostile because of it. How to manage friendships professional network? [closed]

A friend of mine used to be a few steps ahead of my in his career. I was very happy for him, and I saw him as a trustworthy person and a future leader. He got into senior management in some startup, ...
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1 vote
2 answers

How to protect myself in a departmental conflict?

I apologise if my language is a little unclear on this question, I've changed a few details to make the situation more generic. I'm a Software Widget Expert for department A at a medium/large ...
Rich H's user avatar
  • 51
4 votes
4 answers

Should I point out my colleague's mistakes in this situation? [duplicate]

Last week I was assigned a project by our manager. I started it and worked on it in between some priority work which came up. The project was stuck. So our manager and I decided to forward the ...
mecisozok's user avatar
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120 votes
10 answers

Dating a Former Employee

I'm a senior, C level executive at a relatively small company (~75 employees). A while ago, I became very close to a direct report. We began spending more time together outside of work; first in ...
Rustler 's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Is it wise to reveal that I have started dating an intern with my company?

I have a question regarding what should I do if I have a relationship with a colleague that just got hired. The 'story' so far is this: I've been working at this company for 3 years. It is a small one,...
Litwos's user avatar
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24 votes
4 answers

How do I handle a potential work/personal life conflict as the manager of one of my friends professionally? [closed]

I have a rather peculiar situation. My wife and I have a couple who we are friends with, and recently the woman (let’s call her Jane) was hired in my company and works in my team (I’m her manager!). ...
dkel 's user avatar
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34 votes
4 answers

My boss doesn't want me to have a side project [closed]

It all started back in February when I decided to start an e-commerce store. When my boss learned about it, he started talking less and less to me. Some days he doesn't talk to me at all, like he ...
Anas Latique's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

My co-workers do not invite me regulary to coffee, after the work

After work, my co-workers usually go to grab a coffee or some drinks. They all go together, and I was invited only a couple of times. I have been employed there for a couple of months now. I would ...
Peter Peter's user avatar
77 votes
15 answers

Friend wants my recommendation but I don't want to give it to him

I met my friend in my first year of college (Computer Science), so I can tell that I know how well he works and how knowledgeable he is. He's a good friend, we chat occasionally, meet up to have ...
Bino's user avatar
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130 votes
10 answers

Do I need to be arrogant to get ahead? [closed]

A colleague of mine is very good at PR and branding himself and does this by communicating to the whole world his successes no matter how small they are. He does this in a very arrogant way, by making ...
bobo2000's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Handling the aftermath of traffic accident with colleague

A bit of context: I had about four months ago a motorbike accident with a car who was at fault (cut me off). During the time I was waiting for the emergency services to arrive and take care of me, I ...
z3r0's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Shall I mention to my future employer that I am leaving my current company because I am dating my coworker?

I am working at a company that has less than 100 people for 6 months. I started dating one of my coworker in my team for a few months. I decided to leave my current position because she feels it is ...
Jill Clover's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

How to handle senior member of my organization who seems to think I'm not very smart after conversations at team lunches

Background: I am a junior developer at a large software company. The person in question is a senior PM who reports to my skip-level manager (my manager's manager). My manager has worked with the ...
user4643093's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Reminding someone to send me their resume?

My company is looking to hire and I told a former classmate (I'll call him Jake) about it since I feel he is qualified. He sounded interested in the position (it would be in a different department ...
c36's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

I come off as an expert in writing, but In person, nobody takes me seriously, and it is affecting my career, how can I fix this?

I have considerable knowledge in the business and technology of my field (supply chain and planning), from 7 years experience and from having a Ph.D in a closely related field. Although my colleagues ...
Alex Kinman's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

My team mate is talking trash about me behind my back with my manager

I am leading a team of 5 and there is 1 manager who is above/supervising us. One of my team-mates I get along well with; she behaves well and I discuss personal stuff and share jokes with her. ...
paul's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

What are the mainly used policies to evaluated interns/juniors besides personal interactions and/or interests?

Context I’m a senior team leader and technical project coordinator at a medium size company (650 employees). The company was public until 9 or 10 years ago, when it was transformed in a (formally) ...
JaneDoe82's user avatar
27 votes
7 answers

When should I tell my boss that the person I recommended for a job is my partner?

TL;DR: My currently-unemployed partner is looking for a job. I recommended them for a position in my company. I discovered afterwards that they would work in my department should they get the ...
avazula's user avatar
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22 votes
7 answers

Cultural favouritism in the workplace

This is in relation to the software industry in Australia. I am noticing a repeated and consistent attitude stemming from Indians towards those of non-Indian background in the industry. Examples: ...
solarflare's user avatar
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154 votes
17 answers

Is it inappropriate to invite all my coworkers except for one person to a private event?

I work in a fairly small department, I have 8 coworkers. 7 of them are great, we're good friends, and I love spending time with them - we hang out outside of work often, but usually in groups of 3-4. ...
synthesis's user avatar
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