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Questions tagged [referral]

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0 votes
3 answers

What if I want to withdraw the referrals, after learning they took offers elsewhere?

I got offer from my company which I will work in post graduation. On the basis of this, several of my peers asked to be referred to my recruiter. I obliged and send an email to the recruiter with 4 ...
Leenagunther's user avatar
-5 votes
4 answers

Should I rescind a referral to a Recruiter in the light of subsequent behaviour?

I am in a dilemma and hope I can get some advice from you. I worked with a recruiter and got an Offer. On the basis of this, several of my peers asked to be referred to that recruiter. I obliged and ...
Leenagunther's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Is it a good idea to refer a good friend who is looking for cofounders for his project to another good friend of mine if I care about our friendship? [closed]

A friend of mine has started a startup where he wants to develop a very technical product that requires quite a bit of expertise in cloud solutions. He asked me if I knew anyone who might be ...
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0 votes
2 answers

How to respond to an unknown candidate asking for a referral?

I'm part of a graduate program at a large multinational company (I joined about a year ago) and I had recently shared on LinkedIn about an opening for the same program for this year, stating that I am ...
user42's user avatar
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5 answers

Is it ok to openly admit that you brought a friend of yours to the company?

If I were to admit that, some people might think that it is unfair because he didn't really find the job on his own merit. On the other hand, not admitting it might look like if I were hiding ...
Adrian's user avatar
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-6 votes
1 answer

Referring a former colleague [closed]

I was recently approached by a person from my past job asking me if I can refer her for a position in my current company. I did referred and She was able to get a job. After interview she did not even ...
Thenewguy's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

I recommend someone for a job and they are now working with me. He seems to have drug problems. Should I do anything?

Where I work my manager was looking to fill an open position quickly. He is in a different state so there is a high degree of independence. He asked if I knew anyone for the job and I looked around. I ...
user130167's user avatar
4 votes
7 answers

Is it a bad idea for family members to give each other referrals?

My mom works at a company that I am applying to and I'm going to be applying there soon. Would it be a bad idea for her to give me a referral? I understand it comes off as being biased, which is why I'...
jerry's user avatar
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8 votes
7 answers

Are Referral bonus expected to be handed over or split with with the referree?

Summary: I referred an ex-colleague and received referral bonus. Colleague went through interviewing and negotiation process for a different job posting, after my initial referral, which I did not ...
Vijayan K's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Candidates for your boss?

Aside from the generic risks of providing a referral, are there any specific risks to helping your employer find your new boss? My boss (2 levels up) is trying to fill a senior role(my manager or ...
somedude's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to handle when two coworkers compete for an external job?

I recently switched to a very well-known successful company, and now my current team has 1 open Software Dev role. I sent the description to two of my former coworkers (who are both still at my ...
c36's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Is it appropriate for a manager to apportion the recruitment to everyone in a team? [closed]

My boss told us in a weekly meeting that he will expand hiring but felt very hard to find good employees. And he said he preferred internal referrals since the employees we referred performed very ...
Lerner's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Referring someone to the company I work for: should I show them the reference letter before sending?

About six months ago I started work at a new company. Recently they asked me if I could refer anybody, and there is someone I know who I believe would be a good fit. I talked to this person, and they ...
Marco Merlini's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Does the whole job hunting game depend mostly on the internal referrals?

I've been studying a lot of materials on how to tailor the CV and cover letter and having a high hope by sending applications to every relevant position I find advertised here and there. However, I've ...
Bob's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

What is the courteous amount of time I should wait before I refer someone to my new company?

Background I (thankfully) recently accepted a very good offer at a new company. One of my colleagues from college has been looking for a new job as well for a very long time and is currently at a ...
isakbob's user avatar
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