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Questions tagged [relationships]

Questions related to personal relationships in a work context.

13 votes
4 answers

How can I deal with a supervisor that constantly blames the previous manager that hired me initially?

I work in a university in the US. I was hired by a person that left last year for a better position somewhere else. My previous manager invited me to join him in his new position and have a role equal ...
Mithridates the Great's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

Can a supervisor forbid me from being friends or talking with a co-worker?

Summary: friend at work is a poor performer, my manager tells me they are bad influence and I should stop hanging out with them. I work as a teacher and am a union member. I have one co-worker who I ...
Village's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How do I deal with a co-worker that keeps making the same jokes, and same remarks?

Basically, I work in a small company that usually will have 4-5 fulltime workers at a time in the office. There are separate rooms in the office, and I share a room with a co-worker who I will call '...
Sam's user avatar
  • 67
0 votes
3 answers

Strange line manager/colleague behaviour how to react?

It happened few weeks ago I was discussing with a colleague (name him Paul) about work, the conversation was about plans for a project we are both involved in. Paul was extremely confused and worried ...
user8469759's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Does the general advice to not date coworkers also apply to employees of companies your company does business with?

I understand that usually, it's not considered a good idea to date coworkers, because it can lead to personal problems spilling over into the office and negatively affecting the company. My question ...
Nzall's user avatar
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30 votes
5 answers

Found a co-worker on a dating website. How do I approach them?

I found a co-worker on a dating site. I've seen her around before but have never spoken and never really had any interest. However, after reading her profile, I am interested in pursuit, but am not ...
user114532's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to get along with a manager who loads the dice?

Our manager thinks other employees are competitors for his current position. He loads the dice against his subordinates. We're afraid to do our best in work. On the other hand, one whose performance ...
Allan's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Can I press charges if a coworker says he wishes my death? [closed]

I have a toxic coworker. A few days ago, he said he had 2 types of wishes : good ones and bad ones. Among those bad ones is that he wants me to die Can I press charges for such a statement ?
tommy's user avatar
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22 votes
9 answers

How do I ask co-worker out on a date?

I have developed strong liking towards my co-worker for the past week since I met her and I cannot stop thinking about her. Although we only chat about work during work I want to ask her on a date. ...
Stupid_Intern's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Recruiter knows I worked at competitor and that my father is a very relevant person is this market

So I am doing a recruitment process in a great company - Company A - which is a competitor from a former job I had for 4 years - Company B. Company A and B are direct competitors, both premium and ...
RA828's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Convert a technical conflict into HR case

I have one conflict that is dressed as a technical issue which I believe is an actual HR issue. Involved in the technical conflict resolution are the project manager and the department lead. But the ...
Pesho's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Conflict with older employee

An older colleague, a woman with 30+ years of experience as a cobol developer has been escalating me every week for the last nearly 2 months. She finds different pretexts for the same issue again and ...
Pesho's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

What do I do when a newly-hired manager occasionally dispensed praise and accolades towards me?

I work as a programmer in the information technology area. A new employee was hired to be a manager of an adjacent department, where the department is a 'customer' of my work. They request various ...
Chris's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Is Singapore a power distant culture?

I live in Europe. I got opportunities to work in Singapore, but I'm worried about the Asian power distant cultures. Here why: Last time I was traveling to Germany for seminars, there was some ...
Lkaf Temravet's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

What to do when I'm being blackmailed by an ex

I have a crazy ex, We have been together on & off for a few years before I finally managed to leave her and call it off for good, that was a couple of years ago. She recently approached me (via ...
throw_away_account's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Should I disclose to boss that I had a relationship in the past with a new hire?

My company is hiring one of my ex-flings. We were involved with each other for ~3 months, and broke up in mid 2018. On my part there are no feelings involved and working with him won't be a problem. I'...
Lisa's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

LinkedIn recommendations for some former colleagues but not all

At my previous place of work a lot of people had to leave, including me. We stay in touch. Of the people still working there some will probably have to look for new jobs soon. A few of my former ...
Ivana's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How to talk to people (to push them to do better)

I would like some advice/recommendations on how to talk to people to push them to do better. Not only so the team can work faster, maybe better, but so that everyone can "push" each other as well. I'...
scampi's user avatar
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53 votes
16 answers

How to do code reviews to people whose programming skills are weak?

I am a developer and I was recently promoted so I am doing significantly more code reviews now. Part of that includes doing code reviews on Github with people who are either not very competent or lack ...
jhcoates's user avatar
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9 votes
7 answers

Company Christmas party coming soon, but I am new to the company and having panic attacks. How can I handle this?

I’m new to a role (started 4 weeks ago) and our work Christmas party is soon. Although I’ve spoken to most of the people I’m yet to be ‘in a group’ and the thought of going to a party where I’ll be on ...
Anna 's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

Reviewing old code database, how to start interacting with the dev team?

TL, DR: There was this software product being developed in my company, I needed to review a lot of the codebase. How do I talk to the development team? The not-so-short version: Due to several reasons ...
Mefitico's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Relationship with former colleagues

Recently I have been receiving private messages from two former colleagues whom I worked closely with while was working as an intern at my previous workplace. The first guy was my supervisor, he ...
Joshua Stephens's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to handle Social Engineered relationships after Red Team engagements? [closed]

I'm learning to become a Red Teamer, which simulates attacks by adversaries from multiple angles: Digital/Cyber, Physical and Social. This questions focuses on the Social Engineering aspect of Red ...
ChocolateOverflow's user avatar
36 votes
10 answers

HR trying to sabotage my wife's work because we're married [closed]

TLDR; My wife got a 1 month trial as a product manager and tester for a new product I'm directly designing and developing. HR hates the fact that we're married and is trying to seat her separate from ...
Workplace Meh's user avatar
-6 votes
2 answers

Secular Holidays Conundrum

My coworkers are doing Halloween and Christmas at work, I'm a Messianic Jew, how do I avoid ruining my relationship with them?
Kreezxil's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

What to do if you are unintentionaly subject of favoritism?

I have the following situation at work. I am part of a team with people having different background age-wise and business wise. Since the beginning of the project It happened so that I took the role ...
Pesho's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

How to avoid a proposed role by an HR but still be considered for another?

I am looking for a job and I've been contacting a senior manager of a firm directly. He is quite interested by my profile and forwarded my resume to his HR and the person right below him that covers ...
Goul's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Concerning a relationship in the team [closed]

This is about a situation that isn't strictly an employed workplace, but is similar. I am on project team at a university. It is supposedly a 'professional environment', though as we are all ...
an0's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Advice on defusing a tense situation after disrespectful behaviour from a colleague [closed]

This happened to me today and I'm still trying to digest it. To give you some context, I'm working on IT at a company with several branches across Europe. I don't hold any position of responsibility ...
Brian McGregor's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

How can I learn to navigate office politics?

I've had several jobs post-graduation already and whereas I always exceed expectations when it comes to my performance (i.e. shown expertise/ skills in the field I'm active in), I feel I could work on ...
BigMadAndy's user avatar
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