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Questions tagged [manager]

For questions related to the person responsible who evaluates your performance or oversees your work on a daily basis.

2 votes
6 answers

Manager wrecking my time off

I'm on an expensive vacation and my project manager wrecked 2 of 3 vacation days by trying to "fix" issues without me. I spent the night before the main event debugging, until 3am. This guy ...
chladnefazole's user avatar
-4 votes
4 answers

Should I ask for my wedding voucher? [closed]

A few years ago, my management organized a voucher contribution for one of the manager's wedding. We were not invited but each of us paid £30 to get her a voucher. I got married two weeks ago and my ...
EMILLY's user avatar
  • 11
56 votes
9 answers

How to push back against request to use personal laptop at conference due to risk of machine compromise

I manage cybersecurity team of 10 where I work. A major part of our job duties is providing application security consulting and in house penetration testing for our many development teams. Two months ...
Anthony's user avatar
  • 21.6k
5 votes
2 answers

Asking employer to relocate me back to origin city after moving internationally

Around a year ago, I asked the company I work for to relocate me to a foreign country mainly for personal reasons, specifically to be close to family. In addition to this, I had the idea that it would ...
MeowMeowEnthusiast's user avatar
20 votes
7 answers

How can I save a dating relationship when I am promoted and she will be in my vertical reporting chain?

I had been promoted to recently and my division at the company where I work is being reorganized. I had been dating my colleague for slightly less than 1 year in which she was a previously a project ...
Anthony's user avatar
  • 21.6k
4 votes
5 answers

Should I bring up my fear of being fired during my performance review with my manager?

In the company I currently work at, I noticed that on average people in my team leave at a rate of about 1 person a month. New people are being hired, but 1 person who was previously in the team ...
Eternal_Ether's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

How do we handle a situation when manager deliberately wants to spoil your hard work

my manager ; seems to be technical but having superiority complex in his nature. now he trying to pause my PR and gives un necessary comments and not once but once i fixed the code and then comment on ...
xkeshav's user avatar
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-4 votes
2 answers

HR came to me directly... what should I do

So I had been speaking with HR about an issue but decided not to move forward as it would mean I couldn't stay in my job. However my boss made my life miserable and I decided to leave - HR have ...
5007emma's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to give feedback when you haven't worked with someone for long enough to have good feedback?

I apologize for potential typos - English isn't my first language. I work as a junior manager in a small fully remote company and recently we've been given a new senior manager after our previous one ...
Vincent's user avatar
  • 13
7 votes
4 answers

Should I disclose a mental disorder that's been impacting my job to HR/my boss?

There is an existing question about depression in a different situation (job seeking), and the answers are mostly about the obligation to disclose it and clearance issues, which is not really what I'm ...
MattRix's user avatar
  • 87
-3 votes
2 answers

Response to Deliberately Vague Review Feedback

Background first: I've been crushing it since I landed at this team a year and change ago. The team lead left, I took their responsibility on, and I've excelled--deliberately so, as in tech there is a ...
Eee's user avatar
  • 763
37 votes
4 answers

Co-Existing with a Highly Extroverted Leader and "Forced Fun"

I accepted what I thought was a "contract" position about a year ago but quickly learned that the expectation was to be a Full Time Employee without benefits. Here's what I mean: The ...
ZenZeta's user avatar
  • 347
3 votes
2 answers

Started a new job, received minimal training. My manager is my main point of contact and is unapproachable [duplicate]

I started a new job 4 months ago and this was a career pivot for me as I entered a new industry. I also went from working for a company of 50 people to 15000 people so fairly new to the corporate ...
confusednewbie's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Got verbal permission to use "Senior" title in flat organization

I work in the US as a software engineer. There are other developers here who are sometimes referred to as "Senior" engineers. I've been doing well at my job, and have developed a few ...
olga123456789's user avatar
-5 votes
4 answers

Dating in the workplace

A co-manager would like to date a subordinate's sister, what are the ethics on a Manager dating a subordinate's family member?
wildfloweramu's user avatar

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