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20 votes
7 answers

How can I save a dating relationship when I am promoted and she will be in my vertical reporting chain?

I had been promoted to recently and my division at the company where I work is being reorganized. I had been dating my colleague for slightly less than 1 year in which she was a previously a project ...
Anthony's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Manager implied that I should be pushing a colleague to get work done faster. Do I tell the colleague?

Same manager as my previous post. My colleague and I are working on the same project, and we are at the same level in the org chart (in fact, we are in the same role), but he is newer to the ...
work572's user avatar
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36 votes
6 answers

Should I tell my boss that I am doing a crazy amount of overtime?

I work at a big tech company as an individual contributor. We are approaching an important launch where I'm playing a key role. There is no strict deadline, but I'd like to make sure it's finished ...
HarryJ's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to deal with an inflexible and difficult project lead

Alright, I work as a Data Scientist and here goes my situation. About a month and half ago, I was 'pulled into' an ongoing project led by a Mechanical Engineer also a Subject Matter Expert (SME) in ...
chupa_kabra's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

How do I Help a Team Member Recognize the Relative Importance of Their Project

I find myself in the curious case of trying to partially de-motivate someone, some background: I am the team lead of a ~30 person team ranging from interns and new college grads to senior folks with ...
agentroadkill's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

Unhappy with Project management

It's been 4 months into my Android Dev job, and I have to work on 3 projects simultaneously - as a developer. All 3 are approximately the same app, with some differences, but nothing excessive. I ...
nkayou's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

"Oversee" a project in absence of manager and team lead

We're working on a project, and both the manager in charge and the team lead have gone off-site for some conference. Because of this, they won't be able to actively manage the project. Since it's an ...
yee's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

How to handle product manager that ignores others opinion

Right now I'm product owner of a software product with other 3 developers, an architect and a product manager. I'm concerned that the product manager is too focused on having the product on time, up ...
estebarb's user avatar
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89 votes
7 answers

How to say No to idea given by team member, when I know from my experience that it is going to fail?

I have a very hardworking team, and I like when they try to think about a project with broader perspective. I want to respect their contribution and don't like to refuse their ideas, but sometimes I ...
Vinod Sawant's user avatar
16 votes
7 answers

Unable to meet goals when manager keeps busy in things which are outside the ambit

I joined a new company two months back. I committed to the CEO to meet certain goals within 3 months timeframe. CEO has a lot of expectations from me. Two months have passed and it seems I will not be ...
user5377's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

Should My Non-Technical Boss Try to Code?

This question is as straightforward as it sounds. Do I have the right to demand that he stay out of my projects due to fear he'll not know what he's doing? He basically googles things and tries them ...
Rose Dern's user avatar
56 votes
13 answers

Manager questioning my time estimates for a project [duplicate]

I work in a software development company. For a new project, my manager asked me time-estimates. I read the project requirements document and worked out worst-case estimates. During a meeting, he ...
Trevor Track's user avatar
84 votes
6 answers

Should I tell my boss the work he did was worthless?

I have been handed a project that has been kicked around for 4 or 5 months with ~zero progress made. The project is to implement a new tool that was chosen before I got here. It seems like a good ...
agentroadkill's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Good way to convey to manager that there may have been issues but you're willing to change and how to prove it?

After a discussion with my manager (also project-manager) I've come to some personal conclusions. - There may have been a communication issue were what was expected was not conveyed properly. - I've ...
user97203's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Can manager order his subordinate to do work very far out of his scope of duties?

I know there are many questions about the dreaded "other duties as assigned" clause in most contracts. Mine has one as well. However, I feel the task assigned to me goes way off what would be expected ...
Yuropoor's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

How to deal with a boss that wants 'yes' or 'no'

I'm in a situation where my Boss only wants very simple answers. The problem is that in the information security and software business, this doesn't really exist. Here is the situation. My Boss is ...
pm1391's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

My Manager Is Enabling Grossly Incompetent Vendors [duplicate]

So, my company suffers from a very severe nepotism problem. And to an extent, I get it: You want to hire people that you know are reliable. But we had one C-level executive hire his son as a director ...
TwinkleToes's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Should I overstep my boss? [duplicate]

Let me give some background first: I'm a junior front-end developer, working in the company for like 8 months and I have a degree in IT Management. I just talked about my degree because it matters to ...
user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Manager keeps reassigning people to new projects [closed]

I work as a software developer. Our company has 6 developers and roughly 6-8 projects going on at the same time. My supervisor sometimes assigns me to start working on a project, and when the code ...
user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How to completely change the direction of a project

I want to completely 180 the project I am working on and take it in a brand new direction, how can I best bring this up with my boss? Background: I am a 3rd year coop student on my first placement ...
Gareth Lastname's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to word a written notice that an employee is claiming more hours than worked ( employee works remote ) [closed]

I work at a tech company and we have an employee that works remote and is calming more hours than worked, how can I write a written notice in a proper way. He is a good employee but his hours are just ...
Nicole Olander's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to set a realistic scope of my project with a rigid and strict supervisor? [closed]

I am currently working on an 8 month final project, of which 1 month has already passed. Its for an Engineering Doctorate degree. I have one supervisor and one client(who is a PhD student). Situation ...
bbbbbbbbbb's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

How to deal with a nagging co-worker who incessantly texts?

After my first internship got over, I moved onto a new one. Since I am slightly more experienced than the other two interns, boss made me the "project manager" for a proof-of-concept he wants to test. ...
An SO User's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

How to do effective daily reporting to Manager

I am a software engineer of 7+ years of experience and working in a application in which I am the only resource. My reporting manager is busy with other work and on daily basis we have very little ...
PKKhandelwal's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Manager over interacting with developers

I'm working on a project where: Managers should have complete info on what work is going on and how the work in going on in the project and their interaction with developers is mandatory, but in my ...
Logic's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

My boss is assigning my work credit to others. What should I do?

When I first joined my current company, there was a colleague(developer) on the same level as I was, who has got reputation of not producing any results, got involved in my first project during my 3 ...
user8375562874527's user avatar