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Questions tagged [drinking]

This tag pertains to the consumption of alcoholic beverages in a context relating to the workplace, including, but not limited to: having drinks with lunch on work days, drinking at company functions and parties, having drinks with colleagues after working hours have concluded (ie: beer on Friday afternoons with co-workers), and so on. This tag can also be used for questions relating to alcohol abuse, such as colleagues coming to work with a hangover.

2 votes
6 answers

How do I decline a ride home to a team member from a team event when I and team had been drinking?

Yesterday, I was enjoying dinner and drinks with my team members and company management of my work division. Both I and the rest of the team had been drinking (2-3 drinks) during the evening event. I ...
Anthony's user avatar
  • 21.8k
18 votes
6 answers

How to handle boss' team invitation to go to a bar, when my coworker is an alcoholic in recovery?

My boss is visiting his remote team members locally where I work in the United States. In an open environment by our cubes, he asked does anyone want to go out after work for dinner and drinks. One of ...
Anthony's user avatar
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49 votes
7 answers

How to professionally decline nightlife drinking with colleagues on international trip to Japan?

I manage a team of 10 at the place where I currently work. Next month, I will be travelling to Narita Japan with my team to visit division headquarters. As part of the travel itinerary, there will be ...
Anthony's user avatar
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63 votes
9 answers

Is it appropriate to speak up for a team member who can't drink due to addiction recovery when a company event is being planned?

I am the team lead of a team of ten. One of my team members in the past has undergone counseling due to alcohol abuse / excessive drinking. He has since recovered, but no longer drinks. Senior ...
Anthony's user avatar
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46 votes
13 answers

How to politely stop a colleague's rude remarks about the way I sip alcohol?

We went to a team dinner where alcoholic beverages were served. However, I am someone who doesn't drink alcohol due to my personal beliefs. Since people around were constantly making fun of me, I ...
The Great's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

What is the best way to politely decline invitations to go for drinks with work colleagues? [duplicate]

I work for a small company (6 full time employees, including owner/ director, 1 part time employee), and have been there for almost a year. Occasionally, one of my colleagues will organise an evening ...
Noble-Surfer's user avatar
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1 answer

Should I disclose my drinking habits as a "disability"? [closed]

I'm facing possible dismissal because I had a lot of drinks at an unofficial work gathering (poker after hours in the cafeteria). I had a bit too much, and passed out, and the cleaning crew reported ...
Dobby's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

My coworkers think I'm over 21 and offered me a beer, I accepted it... What do I do now?

So here's the story. I'm 19 and just got a job at a small park in the middle of nowhere. There are less than 20 people working at this place, and I deal with them every day. Since everyone I work with ...
Georgia's user avatar
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46 votes
8 answers

How do you break it to a new employer that you don't drink? [duplicate]

I've never really had a huge issue with this but I've always been uncomfortable with it. I don't drink because of health and personal preference but no matter which company I join (tech industry), I ...
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