I work in company x and my role require that I have to work closely with company Y.I am a contractual worker and I am supposed to complete my project within the stipulated period.However I have not been able to hit any of the deadlines,since company Y is a blocker in a way that my job would only move on if they submit certain projects to me.I have written a lot of emails to them to let them know that we are in a time crunch.I try to give them a sand-witch feedback whenever they revert back to me.I let them I know that I understand their busy schedule,however my team awaits the result of this project.

They give me timelines which they never meet.They do not communicate the progress of the project.This has a led to a lot of distrust in my ability to deliver.There are chances that I could get permanent employment in this company x,however,with all that has been happening.I stand a little chance to have this opportunity.

How do I get this company Y to stick by their words when they commit to deliver at a certain time?I feel that they don't respect our agreement at all.

Kindly guide me through how to also explain to my company that this project also depends on how company Y deliver to me,Without looking like am trying to blame other people.

1 Answer 1


Kindly guide me through how to also explain to my company that this project also depends on how company Y deliver to me,Without looking like am trying to blame other people.

I would suggest you build a project plan, clearly showing where you are blocked by company Y. I believe you can to this without flat out saying "This is company Y's fault". Continue to refer back to the plan, and when a date is missed, just point out the facts. Facts only.

You should also communicate with your superiors the moment they miss a milestone, while expressing "Not only did they miss the date, this lapse will now impact my date".

How do I get this company Y to stick by their words when they commit to deliver at a certain time?

Ask your management if there are any fines or penalties against company Y for missing deadlines, a well structured contract will contain such an actionable clause. My guess is that the contract signed between company Y and your organization doesn't contain such a clause. ( Its worth a shot though )

  • Actually I'd say that your second part is irrelevant. The OP can't control company Y, and after escalating the problem to his boss it is no longer the OP's problem.
    – Peter M
    Commented Mar 31, 2017 at 14:29

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