
I have been offered a job in one of the most renowned companies in the IT industry. During the interview process, I have been humiliated and disregarded by the fact that I don't come from an IT background. My goals have been ridiculed by the interviewers both times, thus discouraging me to work with them. I have been asked personal questions that made me feel like it's not meant to be.

To note - I have been on a bereavement sabbatical since 1 year and it is that company that contacted me for the job. Now I don't know what to do, most people in my surrounding are telling me to accept the job and leave when I don't find it fitting. But I'm worried that it won't look good on my resume.

  • 4
    Sorry that you've been treated that way - but this isn't a decision people on the Internet can help you with, it's something you and only you can decide. Commented Jul 4 at 8:58
  • 2
    "...it is that company that contacted me for the job." There's much that is missing from this story, but the basic question is, do you need or even want this offer? Just because someone opens a door, there's no reason you must feel compelled to pass through it. The only one who knows if your misgivings are baseless or have merit is you. (Tip: 'renown' and 'fame' do not equal 'good' or 'quality'. Seek what is real, not simply "public relations".)
    – Fe2O3
    Commented Jul 4 at 9:18
  • Thank you for your feedback, there is a lot missing as I don't want to give out much about the company. I just want the experience. Commented Jul 4 at 9:49
  • 2
    How can they ridicule your lack of experience, and then give you a job ? That is strange. Most renown companies have very difficult interview processes, and only select the most qualified candidates among hundreds of people who apply for 1 single IT job. Commented Jul 4 at 10:50
  • 1
    If you "don't come from an IT background", how come you got a job at "one of the most renowned companies in the IT industry"?
    – mrodo
    Commented Jul 4 at 16:59

2 Answers 2


A big gap in your question is whom in the interview process is being unprofessional. Is it a 3rd party recruiter, inhouse HR, or the specific group that you'd be working for, etc.

An example of being ridiculed might be helpful. The reason I suggest that is because "lack of IT experience". It isn't all that important for some companies if it refers to documented degrees and certificates. Probing questions are much more meaningful.

I don't mean to sound like I am questioning your view of the interview, but their likely goal is to understand the exact qualifications of the candidate. Being asses, does get them to the goal. Asking questions that might be perceived as uncomfortable is. For example, start by asking questions in an area about what you know and keep going until they get to the point of what you DON'T know.

It is embarassing to feel interrogated into admitting lack of knowledge. But is useful to understand who they are about to hire. They deserve to know what you do and don't know about the subject matter.

Even with the best of intentions, personalities clash. This can turn what should be a comfortable conversation into a very unconfortable process.

For the company to then offer you a job? They must have seen you as someone that is worth investing in.

Let us know what you decide.


Do you want to work in the IT industry in the long run ?

If yes, then take this job.

This is very important: it is not easy to get a job in the IT industry nowadays especially when you "don't have an IT background" and "are offered a job from a one of the most renowned companies in the IT industry". So, you don't want to throw away this golden opportunity.

Furthermore, think of this job as a wonderful opportunity to train and improve your IT skills. Once you get the new skills, you can apply for jobs in other companies later on.

In addition, this could be a chance to take on technical challenges and prove to yourself that you can overcome any difficult to learn and acquire new skills.

It will also be a chance prove that the people who ridiculed you in the interviews were wrong. But, you don't want to confront them or say that to their faces to piss them off. Simply let your success prove that they are wrong.

But, if you don't want to work in the IT industry in the long run, and prefer to work in other industries, then just reject the job offer.

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