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Is it appropriate to speak up for a team member who cantcan't drink due to addiction recovery when a company event is being planned?

I am the team lead of a team of ten. One of my team members in the past has undergone counseling due to alcohol abuse / excessive drinking. He has since recovered, but no longer drinks. Senior management of our department will be visiting town at the end of the month and has invited all team members in our department to dinner and drinks. The venue will be at an upscale bar and restaurant. Country is USA.

I noticed he has not made any mention that the event will be at a bar in which other team members will most likely drink. On one hand, I dontdon't want to be presumptuous and assume he can never be in a bar environment with drinks present. On the other hand, a bar environment can be tempting, not conductive to my team member.

I dontdon't know if my team member really has no problems in a bar environment with other team members drinking or may simply be afraid to rock the boat  , afraid of being perceived as being difficult and wanting special accomodations.

I am well respected by my peers having worked at the company for almost 10 years.

  • Would asking for his comfort level be out of line?

  • If appropriate, how can I ask without appearing judgemental or moralizing?

Is it appropriate to speak up for a team member who cant drink due to addiction recovery when a company event is being planned?

I am the team lead of a team of ten. One of my team members in the past has undergone counseling due to alcohol abuse / excessive drinking. He has since recovered, but no longer drinks. Senior management of our department will be visiting town at the end of the month and has invited all team members in our department to dinner and drinks. The venue will be at an upscale bar and restaurant. Country is USA.

I noticed he has not made any mention that the event will be at a bar in which other team members will most likely drink. On one hand, I dont want to be presumptuous and assume he can never be in a bar environment with drinks present. On the other hand, a bar environment can be tempting, not conductive to my team member.

I dont know if my team member really has no problems in a bar environment with other team members drinking or may simply be afraid to rock the boat  , afraid of being perceived as being difficult and wanting special accomodations.

I am well respected by my peers having worked at the company for almost 10 years.

  • Would asking for his comfort level be out of line?

  • If appropriate, how can I ask without appearing judgemental or moralizing?

Is it appropriate to speak up for a team member who can't drink due to addiction recovery when a company event is being planned?

I am the team lead of a team of ten. One of my team members in the past has undergone counseling due to alcohol abuse / excessive drinking. He has since recovered, but no longer drinks. Senior management of our department will be visiting town at the end of the month and has invited all team members in our department to dinner and drinks. The venue will be at an upscale bar and restaurant. Country is USA.

I noticed he has not made any mention that the event will be at a bar in which other team members will most likely drink. On one hand, I don't want to be presumptuous and assume he can never be in a bar environment with drinks present. On the other hand, a bar environment can be tempting, not conductive to my team member.

I don't know if my team member really has no problems in a bar environment with other team members drinking or may simply be afraid to rock the boat, afraid of being perceived as being difficult and wanting special accomodations.

I am well respected by my peers having worked at the company for almost 10 years.

  • Would asking for his comfort level be out of line?

  • If appropriate, how can I ask without appearing judgemental or moralizing?

drinking tag would be most specific for the question
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Is it appropriate to speak up for a team member who cant drink due to addiction recovery when a company event is being planned?

I am the team lead of a team of ten. One of my team members in the past has undergone counseling due to alcohol abuse / excessive drinking. He has since recovered, but no longer drinks. Senior management of our department will be visiting town at the end of the month and has invited all team members in our department to dinner and drinks. The venue will be at an upscale bar and restaurant. Country is USA.

I noticed he has not made any mention that the event will be at a bar in which other team members will most likely drink. On one hand, I dont want to be presumptuous and assume he can never be in a bar environment with drinks present. On the other hand, a bar environment can be tempting, not conductive to my team member.

I dont know if my team member really has no problems in a bar environment with other team members drinking or may simply be afraid to rock the boat , afraid of being perceived as being difficult and wanting special accomodations.

I am well respected by my peers having worked at the company for almost 10 years.

  • Would asking for his comfort level be out of line?

  • If appropriate, how can I ask without appearing judgemental or moralizing?