I would like to ask:

Are the Stack Exchange Community Managers exempt from overtime?

I am guessing that no one who is not a CM would know the answer for certain. But I am hoping that experts in the workplace might be able to make an educated guess. That is why I thought of asking this question here.

If it needs a little tweaking to be on topic here, constructive suggestions would be very welcome.

1 Answer 1


As you are asking something that is company-specific (specific to SE) then that would be off-topic.

One of the possible ways for a post to be off-topic is precisely by being company-specific.

To make it on-topic you should try to address this issue.

Note: It could be worth seeing if this question could be on-topic on Meta SE.

If I had to guess this is about SE itself (its staff) so it could be on-topic over there. However be sure to verify. Anyways, who better than SE staff to ask this question specific to their company.

(again, check if it's on-topic there in case it were not)

  • I'm just concerned that the question might not be asked there. Or that it might be considered impertinent. That happened to me this weekend with another question: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/339847/…. I wonder if there's a way to somehow generalize and give a description of the type of company and function. Maybe there's a general pattern. Commented Dec 9, 2019 at 6:07
  • 2
    @aparente001 Even if there is a pattern, that still doesn't tell you anything about how this specific company you're looking at handles it. That's really why the company-specific close reason exists. Something you potentially could ask here is in the vein of "How do I determine what a company's overtime culture is?"
    – Lilienthal Mod
    Commented Dec 9, 2019 at 16:15
  • @Lilienthal - Thank you. Do you think it would be more productive to include the name of the company I'm interested in, or would it be better to omit that? Commented Dec 9, 2019 at 16:36
  • 2
    @aparente001 including the name would make it company-specific, as mentioned in the answer. Lilienthal's suggestion is something that you could ask and be on-topic :)
    – DarkCygnus Mod
    Commented Dec 9, 2019 at 16:37

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