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Questions tagged [lists]

The tag has no usage guidance.

2 votes
1 answer

Problem with lists and "allowed_block_types" in functions.php (since WP 6.1.1)

I often use the "allowed_block_types_all" function in my functions.php to disable unnecessary blocks. Since WP version 6.1.1 (or 6.1) there is a problem that the list block in Gutenberg ...
DomHu13's user avatar
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Making a list that can be filtered by category/tags

I want to create a list of organizations that users can filter by location, service (legal help, federal services, etc.) to create a list of what exact organizations fit their needs. Is there a plug-...
Tori's user avatar
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Wordpress' visual editor messing up my (nested) lists (and other things as well)

I always have trouble trying to create some nested lists in Wordpress using the default editor in visual mode, since I want to avoid the HTML extra work. Even though I write the HTML myself in the ...
Lorthas's user avatar
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display archive as collapsing links

I would like to output the following - 2015 -October - my post is good - another post September - 2014 - January -February I want to be able to output a nested listed of the ...
LeBlaireau's user avatar
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Adding post types like cities and zipcodes to admin panel

I want to add a simple list of cities and zipcodes that will be used for selection in the admin back end. I know I can create a custom post type - but that seems like overkill. Does wordpress support ...
Chris's user avatar
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2 answers

How to create plugin list groups?

How do I create more of these? so that i can create proper plugins categories in the network plugin dashboard of wordpress.
untore's user avatar
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List of Events with Multiple Dates: Only NEXT Date

I have Advanced Custom Fields 4.3.7 by Elliot Condon and Custom Post Type UI version: 0.8.2 by "plugged" in and would like to limit pluggins to only those two. I have multiple ACF's ...
test's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Display tags in list without link

This seems like it should be something that's really simple to do, however it's apparently not. I don't want tags to be links, but I want them to display in an unordered list, with each tag inside an ...
andy's user avatar
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2 answers

Dynamic dependent Dropdown lists for categories, sub-categories and posts

I'm using WordPress 3.5. I need a way to implement a code or plugin to allow users to navigate through posts using dependent(chained) dropdown lists. In other words I would like 3 dropdown menus to ...
DrHell's user avatar
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Plugin to send messages to members/lists but not full-blown newsletters

I'm looking for a plugin that would allow the owner of a school to send student members short email messages. We don't need a full-blown newsletter feature but it does need to be able to have multiple ...
ERM's user avatar
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Editing a list of several fields

I need to edit a list of quotes. Every quote consists of a (short) text, author's name, author's title. What is the best way to create an editor of such data in WordPress? It seems that the simplest ...
porton's user avatar
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How to query posts that have certain post meta keys, and sort by meta key and/or value

I'm using this structure to make album lists. I'm using a key so I correspond lists to albums but I don't know how to reverse the output so the items start at the top with lowest key value. Any ideas? ...
Pollux Khafra's user avatar
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2 answers

How to remove bullets from widget

I created a custom theme for my wordpress blog, and my widgets keep showing up in an unordered list form. I didn't program my widgets to appear this way. And I can't figure out how to remove the ...
HowardCodes's user avatar
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Add link on the top menu of the post table?

Is there any way to add links on the top, as pictured below?
andre's user avatar
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Any way to inherit methods from both my plugin class and WP_List_Class?

So WP 3.1 introduces the fancy WP_List_Class() causing me to rewrite all my custom admin tables. Fair enough. the good'ol days, i was able to call my plugin methods using $this->method() ...
wyrfel's user avatar
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