My current WordPress site only exists of pages. The structure is as simple as this:


I want to use Custom Post Types to add listings about individual hotels, attractions and restaurants. The new structure will look like this:


With myhotel/myattraction/myrestaurant being a Custom Post Type.

All listings share the exact same custom fields.

My Question: Do I need to create 3 Custom Post Types (hotel/attraction/restaurant) or should I register just 1 "global" custom post type - eg called "Place" - and specify if its a hotel/attraction/restaurant using hierarchical Custom Taxonomies?

What are the advantages/disadvantages of these different approaches?


1 Answer 1


Personally I would structure it like a CPT for each Hotels, Attractions, Restaurants. Then a custom taxonomy that ties them together for instance "Places" with children like "Locations", etc.

If the site has a lot of connected data it is a really good idea to sketch out the relationships on paper or using software like Visio so you can visually see how it all fits.

  • Why would you prefer create a CPT for each item? Maybe for flexibility in the long run? Or is there another reason? Viseo is a good idea, I´ve been using Excel but it´s not very visual.
    – Mattvic
    Commented Oct 12, 2011 at 18:30
  • 1
    The reason I would thing the top levels items as CPT's is it's very likely the display data is very different , for instance a Restaurant page would not have the same stuff as a Hotel page.
    – Wyck
    Commented Oct 13, 2011 at 1:40

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