I know we could use single-custom-post.php But i have multiple custom post type like


i can do single-america.php , single-nepal.php , single-norway. But they almost have same code basically violating DRY. I am currently registering such post from plugins . How to show the template for them inside plugin with name lets say single-country.php?

I think we can use template_include filter? but i still don't have idea to do it?

tried like this

add_filter( 'template_include', function ( $template  ) {
    if ( //how to check condition if it is custom post type single ) {
        return ADVANCED_NOTES_DIR . 'country-single.php';
    return $template ;
}) ;

So can we use same template for multiple custom post type single?

thank you :)

  • This is basically identical to your other question.
    – Milo
    Commented Dec 4, 2015 at 17:16
  • @Milo thanks but i don't think so ? How do i check whether the post is single custom type post or not? thank you. So for that condiition i made this post .
    – stlawrance
    Commented Dec 5, 2015 at 2:33

1 Answer 1


Yes, you can use template_include or the more specific single_template.

Example code:

add_filter( 'single_template', function( $template ) {

  $cpt = [ 'america', 'nepal', 'norway' ];

  return in_array( get_queried_object()->post_type, $cpt, true )
    ? 'path/to/country-single.php'
    : $template;

} );

single_template filter runs only for singular queries, so you don't need to check you are on a singular view, but just check that the queried post type is one of the CPTs you want to replace the template for.

I used get_queried_object() for the scope.

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