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Social Events

From Wikimania
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The goal of the Wikimania Social Events is to let people meet each other, have the opportunity to discuss and have fun!

It includes:

  • Events by the Wikimania team before or after the main programme
  • Events created by Wikimedian community members (why not propose your own?)
  • Related events offer in Montréal

Whether walking or by public transportation STM, there are lots of things to discover and for all kinds of tastes!

Every day

The website of classical concerts given by the Montreal Symphony Orchestra between August 10 and 13!

The website of the 375th anniversary of Montreal with lots of activities to do!
The official Montréal Tourisme website!

See activities on the map

  • French and english guided tours of BAnQ building, discover all innovations and diversified services offered by Library and National Archives with a professional guide! Appointment at the library you want to visit, registration on line below, see the location on map or use the website of STM [1]. 10 persons registered needed to do the tour.
  • Free activities
  • Heritage activities
  • Leisure activities (personal reservation to do for most of activities, see the website link furnish on umap - what to do in Montreal)
  • Districts of interest
  • Restaurants and bars are also indicated by food and drink symbols

Wednesday, August 9

English guided tour of BAnQ Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie
Registration required

  • 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Visitors will discover a building that has served many purposes since its construction in 1948, until its inauguration as the preservation centre for Québec’s national library in 1997. Various heritage collections (posters, books, postcards, performing arts programs, magazines, newspapers, prints, artists’ books, maps, etc.) are stored in ideal preservation conditions, from the earliest to the latest documents collected by legal deposit. This cornerstone of Québec’s collective memory also houses BAnQ’s digitization workshops, which boast state-of-the-art equipment.

Visite guidée en français de BAnQ Vieux-Montréal ([3])
Inscription obligatoire

  • 16h à 17h

Construit en 1907 afin d’accueillir la première école de commerce francophone en Amérique (École des Hautes études commerciales). D'une valeur patrimoniale exceptionnelle, ce bâtiment est l’un des plus beaux édifices de Montréal. En 2000, il fut réaménagé spécifiquement afin de répondre aux normes élevées relatives à la conservation d’archives. Il abrite depuis le centre d’archives de BAnQ Vieux-Montréal.

Visite guidée en français de BAnQ Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie
Inscription obligatoire

  • 16h30 à 17h30

Un bâtiment aux vocations successives étonnantes depuis sa construction en 1948, jusqu’à l’établissement du Centre de conservation de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec en 1997, se dévoile aux visiteurs. Les diverses collections patrimoniales (affiches, livres, cartes postales, programmes de spectacles, revues, journaux, estampes, livres d’artistes, cartes géographiques, etc.) s’y trouvent protégées dans des conditions optimales, du plus ancien document reçu par dépôt légal au plus récent. Véritable écrin de la mémoire collective, y sont également logés les ateliers de numérisation dotés d’équipements de pointe.

English guided tour of BAnQ Vieux-Montreal ([6])
Registration required

  • 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Built in 1907 in order to house the first French-language business school in America (École des Hautes études commerciales). This building of exceptional historical significance is among the most visually stunning structures in Montréal. In 2000, it was converted into a conservation facility for archival material that complies with high industry standards. The BAnQ Vieux-Montréal archives centre has been located there ever since.

Drinks in Old Town Montreal - Les 3 Brasseurs - hosted by Wikiconference North America ([8])
Open to all, registration not required

  • 6:00 pm to midnight

After a long day of activities, enjoy the night out in Old Montreal with your fellow Wikimedians. We have the top floor of Les 3 Brasseurs (105 Rue Saint Paul Est, Google Maps [10]) reserved for drinks and socializing; there are plenty of other drink and food places in the area, as well as the Cité Mémoire digital display to see. Open to all Wikimania attendees (Hackathon, learning days, et al), and allies. (Please note the multiple branches of Les 3 Brasseurs. This one is in Old Town, near the waterfront)

Thursday, August 10

Visite guidée en français de BAnQ Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie
Inscription obligatoire

  • 16h à 17h

Un bâtiment aux vocations successives étonnantes depuis sa construction en 1948, jusqu’à l’établissement du Centre de conservation de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec en 1997, se dévoile aux visiteurs. Les diverses collections patrimoniales (affiches, livres, cartes postales, programmes de spectacles, revues, journaux, estampes, livres d’artistes, cartes géographiques, etc.) s’y trouvent protégées dans des conditions optimales, du plus ancien document reçu par dépôt légal au plus récent. Véritable écrin de la mémoire collective, y sont également logés les ateliers de numérisation dotés d’équipements de pointe.

Visite guidée en français de BAnQ Vieux-Montreal ([12])
Inscription obligatoire

  • 16h à 17h

Construit en 1907 afin d’accueillir la première école de commerce francophone en Amérique (École des Hautes études commerciales). D'une valeur patrimoniale exceptionnelle, ce bâtiment est l’un des plus beaux édifices de Montréal. En 2000, il fut réaménagé spécifiquement afin de répondre aux normes élevées relatives à la conservation d’archives. Il abrite depuis le centre d’archives de BAnQ Vieux-Montréal.

Visite guidée en français de la Grande Bibliothèque
Inscription obligatoire

  • 16h à 17h

Édifice de la plus grande bibliothèque francophone d’Amérique du Nord, résultat d’un concours international d’architecture et récipiendaire de nombreux prix. Pôle culturel incontournable de la métropole, la Grande Bibliothèque accueille quotidiennement des milliers de visiteurs petits et grands, qui profitent d’une grande variété de services et des millions de documents mis à leur disposition gratuitement.

English guided tour of BAnQ Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie
Registration required

  • 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm

Visitors will discover a building that has served many purposes since its construction in 1948, until its inauguration as the preservation centre for Québec’s national library in 1997. Various heritage collections (posters, books, postcards, performing arts programs, magazines, newspapers, prints, artists’ books, maps, etc.) are stored in ideal preservation conditions, from the earliest to the latest documents collected by legal deposit. This cornerstone of Québec’s collective memory also houses BAnQ’s digitization workshops, which boast state-of-the-art equipment.

English guided tour of BAnQ Vieux-Montreal ([16])
Registration required

  • 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Built in 1907 in order to house the first French-language business school in America (École des Hautes études commerciales). This building of exceptional historical significance is among the most visually stunning structures in Montréal. In 2000, it was converted into a conservation facility for archival material that complies with high industry standards. The BAnQ Vieux-Montréal archives centre has been located there ever since.

Îlesoniq festival
The Îlesoniq EDM festival takes place in Montreal.

Friday, August 11

English guided tour of BAnQ Vieux-Montreal ([18])
Registration required
[19] Departure at the 4th floor of Sheraton Center at 3:30 pm to meet the volunteer who will accompany you to the library

  • 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Built in 1907 in order to house the first French-language business school in America (École des Hautes études commerciales). This building of exceptional historical significance is among the most visually stunning structures in Montréal. In 2000, it was converted into a conservation facility for archival material that complies with high industry standards. The BAnQ Vieux-Montréal archives centre has been located there ever since.

Visite guidée de BAnQ Vieux-Montréal ([20])
Inscription obligatoire
[21] Dpart du 4e etage du centre Sheraton a 15h30 ou un benevole vous attendra pour vous accompagnera a la bibliotheque

  • 16h à 17h

Construit en 1907 afin d’accueillir la première école de commerce francophone en Amérique (École des Hautes études commerciales). D'une valeur patrimoniale exceptionnelle, ce bâtiment est l’un des plus beaux édifices de Montréal. En 2000, il fut réaménagé spécifiquement afin de répondre aux normes élevées relatives à la conservation d’archives. Il abrite depuis le centre d’archives de BAnQ Vieux-Montréal.

English guided tour to the Grande Bibliothèque ([22])
Registration required
[23] Departure at the 4th floor of Sheraton Center at 3:30 pm to meet the volunteer who will accompany you to the library

  • 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Discover the largest French-language library in North America that came to be following an international architecture competition and that has received several awards and prizes. One of Montréal’s major cultural highlights, the Grande Bibliothèque welcomes thousands of visitors daily, both young and old, who enjoy a wide range of services including free access to millions of documents.

Visite guidée de la Grande Bibliothèque ([24])
Inscription obligatoire
[25] Depart du 4e etage du centre Sheraton a 17h, devant le bureau d'aide ou un benevole vous attendra pour vous accompagner a la bibliotheque. Vous aurez besoin de monnaie pour payer le transport en commun.

  • 17h30 à 18h30

Découvrez l’édifice de la plus grande bibliothèque francophone d’Amérique du Nord, résultat d’un concours international d’architecture et récipiendaire de nombreux prix. Pôle culturel incontournable de la métropole, la Grande Bibliothèque accueille quotidiennement des milliers de visiteurs petits et grands, qui profitent d’une grande variété de services et des millions de documents mis à leur disposition gratuitement.

Happy Hour - Poster Session/Community Village

  • 6:00 PM

Basselpedia Party

  • 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM
  • SAT - Société des Arts Technologiques
  • 1201 St Laurent Blvd Google maps view
  • Come together to celebrate and honor Bassel Khartabil, his work, his enthusiasm, and his love of music, dance, art, free knowledge, and friendship!
What you're not going to do during the workshop

Introduction to Breton folk dances with Léa (Drummond west room)

  • 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm

Discover songs from Bretagne and learn how to dance! It's fun and simple, made for beginners, no need to know anything about music, dance or French to participate. Up to 50 brave dancers.

Îlesoniq festival
The Îlesoniq EDM festival takes place in Montreal.

Saturday, August 12

WikiCheese / WikiFromage

  • 12:30 am to 2:00 pm at Wikimedia Canada kiosk, Community Village, Level 4

WikiCheese / WikiFromage

  • 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm at Wikimedia Canada kiosk, Community Village, Level 4

English guided tour of BAnQ Vieux-Montreal ([26])
Registration required
[27] Departure at the 4th floor of Sheraton Center, before the help desk at 3:15 pm to meet the volunteer who will accompany you to the library. You will need change to pay the transportation.

  • 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Built in 1907 in order to house the first French-language business school in America (École des Hautes études commerciales). This building of exceptional historical significance is among the most visually stunning structures in Montréal. In 2000, it was converted into a conservation facility for archival material that complies with high industry standards. The BAnQ Vieux-Montréal archives centre has been located there ever since.

Visite guidée de BAnQ Vieux-Montreal ([28])
Inscription obligatoire
[29] Départ du 4e etage du centre Sheraton, en face du bureau d'aide à 15h15, où un bénévole vous attendra pour vous accompagner à la bibliothèque. Vous aurez besoin de monnaie pour payer le métro.

  • 16h à 17h

Construit en 1907 afin d’accueillir la première école de commerce francophone en Amérique (École des Hautes études commerciales). D'une valeur patrimoniale exceptionnelle, ce bâtiment est l’un des plus beaux édifices de Montréal. En 2000, il fut réaménagé spécifiquement afin de répondre aux normes élevées relatives à la conservation d’archives. Il abrite depuis le centre d’archives de BAnQ Vieux-Montréal.

Group photo at place Ville-Marie Terrace [30]

  • 6:00 pm

Mapping party with Openstreetmap Montréal Ever wonder how to contribute to OpenStreetMap? It's about time! Just stick around after the group photo and we will go on an outing, gather data and contribute to the map. If you have an Android powered phone, you can install one of the following tool:

You can also go to the OpenStreetMap website and create an account ahead of time if you don't have one yet (come at our booth level 4 for help).

  • about 6:30pm Just stick around after the group photo

Shakespeare in the park - Much Ado [31]

  • 7:00 pm, Cabot Square ([32])

Introduction to Breton folk dances with Léa (Drummond West room)

  • 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm

Discover songs from Bretagne and learn how to dance! It's fun and simple, made for beginners, no need to know anything about music, dance or French to participate. Up to 50 brave dancers.

Îlesoniq festival
The Îlesoniq EDM festival takes place in Montreal.

Sunday, August 13

Closing party at Windsor station (map)

  • 7:00 pm