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Questions tagged [anchor]

An anchor (<a>...</a>) is a HTML element used to define the link between the current element (the anchor) and the destination (URI).

2 votes
1 answer

Make a link for an address that opens the default map app

HTML provides for: <a href="tel:+5558675309">555-867-5309</a> for a link to dial a phone number <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> to ...
Basil Bourque's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to reduce duplicate Anchor Texts when Sourcing/Citing Websites

I'm new to web-developement and SEO. I'm creating a news website that writes articles about the latest video-game news. On some articles I include the source at the bottom of the page: <a href=&...
Reanimation's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

naming HTML anchors

So I'm probably overthinking this, as I do with everything. But I'm just curious to what others think. In general, naming a HTML anchor link should be short and related, but if you have a table of ...
noddie's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Should a separate link or a single link be given to the image and text?

I have a local news site, on the homepage, I link to the thumbnail and the post title. Is it better for SEO to have single links or separate links? We can explain this with an example; Single link = &...
awaken's user avatar
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2 answers

Does using relative base url href="./second-page" instead of hard coding URL href="" affect SEO?

I have created a website recently and was checking if google has indexed my website on google console. My home page is indexed but my other leaf pages connected to my home page are not indexed yet. &...
sourav sankpal's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why Googlebot is crawling only one page?

I am trying to understand why Google bot is crawling only one page only on my website. At the Google console I registered a small XML sitemap with 9 URLs. Only one URL I marked as a high priority (0.8)...
bakunet's user avatar
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Using Anchor Links aka Jump To Links with Internal Linking Strategy

Do anchor links that link to another page help or hurt SEO internal linking strategy? For example, let's say I have two pages: and And, on ...
Joel Richardson's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can in-page anchors link to themselves for SEO?

My page has a lot of sections. Each section has a unique anchor tag like <h2 id="anchor-text">. Is it a good practice to link anchors to themselves <h2 id="anchor-text">...
Bookmarks's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

hreflang - do I need to prefix links on the different versions of my pages?

hreflang has proven extremely frustrating for me to implement with my previously clean site layout. I've finally bitten the bullet to risk it because Google still doesn't index our translated versions ...
Austin Burk's user avatar
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1 answer

Could SEO be negatively impacted if an anchor tag has been used without an href attribute in several places?

I have a site where anchor tags are used without any href attribute and the site's ranking is not good. Is it possible that there's a negative impact on SEO if anchor tags have been used without an ...
Navit's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

It's possible to Index by google page's anchor (#) as a page

I have a frequent question page (, that has every question bellow an anchor. Google index all the content, but when I find a specific question google give the parent ...
david cerezal's user avatar
0 votes
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Image alt VS title attributes while inside anchor tag SEO

I am looking to use an image as a link but still want to pass the best description through the link to the next page. <a href="#"><img src="#" alt="Floating red balloon"></a> VS &...
Andrew's user avatar
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For SEO, are clickable divs better than hashtag href anchors when the click triggers an in-page action?

Let say you have a menu and when you click an element, the menu change to show something else (a menu part2 for example) Is it better to use a classic <a href='#'> or a js clickable <div>?...
vincent-d's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Is it okay for SEO to wrap block elements in a link?

We have a request to have an entire block of content be clickable as opposed to just a link field. Questions: Is it good practice to allow for entire block of content to be clickable? If we wrap ...
usernameabc's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Can a URL with a # anchor be redirected in .htaccess?

I believe this can't be done, but it would be good to confirm either way. To know if it's worth investing more time in or not. Can a .htaccess file rewrite/redirect: ...
mvsainz's user avatar
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