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Questions tagged [visual-mode]

Visual mode is a flexible and easy way to select a piece of text for an operator.

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v_g_ctrl-g in neovim does not work

I am trying to find out the word count in selected text in neovim. For some reason, g_ctrl-g works perfectly fine in normal mode, but when I try it in visual mode after selecting some text, nothing ...
K G's user avatar
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Why do text objects move the cursor to the end in Visual mode, but in the beginning in Operator-pending mode?

As far as I can tell, selection in Visual mode using most text objects results in the cursor being placed at the end of the text object region, whether that's linewise or characterwise. However, using ...
shadowtalker's user avatar
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Vim to drag current selected multi lines up

How do we have neovim to drag up current selected multi lines as vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('x', 'I', ":m '<-2<CR>", { noremap = true, silent = true }) or: vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('x',...
user17227456's user avatar
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Paste in front or after in visual-block mode?

I can enter visual-block mode using <C-v>, move down a couple of rows by pressing j several times, then paste some content from the registry via pressing p or P. However, the pasting will ...
athos's user avatar
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2 answers

Select current Line from normal mode without changing cursor position AND without selecting the new line character at the end

What I am asking about can be done using multiple ways but none of them fully achieves what I want. For an instance : 0vg_ selects the current line without the new line character at the end but ...
pic810's user avatar
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How to use register expression with visual selection?

I have this key map in my Vim configuration: nmap <leader>rn :%s/\<<C-r><C-w>\>/ But for this code from php I have a problem. $text=$home_intro['text']; Because, if cursor is ...
serii 's user avatar
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How can I accept a range in a Lua user command?

I want to optionally accept a range in a user-defined function: vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('Pizzafy', function(args) if args.range > 0 then -- visual mode, I think ...
Sasgorilla's user avatar
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Can the dot operator expand to the outer brackets if an inner pair was mistakenly highlighted during 'vib' (visualize inner brackets)?

( 2. can dot highlight this too? ( 1. 'vib' HERE selects this inner text ))
chapel's user avatar
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How to undo expanding selection in Vim? [duplicate]

I have this code snippet: await sendtemplateemail({ recipient: invite.recipient_primary_email, templateid: 'd-******', templatedata: { inviteurl: `${process.env....
abbood's user avatar
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How do I switch modes inside a user-defined lua function?

I want to write a command to do the following: Make a visual selection. Call a command on the visual selection. By way of example, I'd like to call vat to visually select around the current tag, and ...
Sasgorilla's user avatar
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How can expand and contract visual selection from a tag block?

Say I have hierarchical markup like this: <div id="level_1"> <div id="level_2"> <div id="level_3"> watermelon </div> </div>...
Sasgorilla's user avatar
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Keybinding to quickly update (aka prettify) React indentation

This is an example of the original code <Text fontWeight="bold" size="lg" color="turquoise.500">Use Search V2 Beta</Text> and I want a keyboard shortcut (say ...
abbood's user avatar
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keybindings that change mode: cannot use keybindings on the new mode

I have defined the following keybindings: local opts = { noremap = true } local ll = "<leader>i" opts["desc"] = "Send visual lines" vim.keymap.set("v", ...
robertspierre's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Best way to keybind subsequent substitutions in visual mode

I need a keybinding that, given some text selected in visual mode (line visual mode, block visual mode, or whatever): Add > _ before the text Add _ after the text In case of empty lines, > ...
robertspierre's user avatar
4 votes
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Why does `yW` yank until the end of the WORD, but `W` move to the next one?

My confusion started with realizing, that yW yanks a different region, then what vW selects, but I found this that explains about selection. But then I realized, that while yW will yank until the end ...
fbence's user avatar
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