I often want a new empty vertical pane (vim window / viewport ...) in my current Vim tab.

I know I can get a new empty horizontal pane by doing control+w n.

I know I can split the current pane into two identical vertical copies with control+w v, but then I always resort to the awkward workaround of opening a new empty horizontal pane within this vertical pane and then closing the duplicate view of the original pane which I didn't want.

Is there a built in way to just get a blank vertical pane?

2 Answers 2


From :help vnew:

    Like |:new|, but split vertically.  If 'equalalways' is set
    and 'eadirection' isn't "ver" the windows will be spread out
    horizontally, unless a width was specified.

However, it seems like Vim does not provide a mapping for :vnew which creates a new blank vertical split. It's easy to create this mapping yourself. For instance:

nnoremap <leader>v :vnew<CR>

I found this solution:

  1. ctrl-w v Create a vertical copy of your current window
  2. ctrl-w ctrl-w Move to new pane
  3. ctrl-w n Create a new horizontal white pane above the second
  4. ctrl-w ctrl-w Return to second pane
  5. ctrl-w c Close second pane

This can be made into a mapping if desired:

nnoremap <leader>v <C-w>v<C-w>w<C-w>n<C-w>w<C-w>c
  • 1
    Welcome to Vi and Vim! I made some edits to your post, though I would agree that :vnew is simpler.
    – D. Ben Knoble
    Commented May 12, 2021 at 14:52

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