Committee Charge

Below you will find the original charge from the chancellor and provost, which now shows a few revisions to the process and timing.

As a foundation for the committee’s work, the charge cites a range of previous efforts connected to MIT culture and values.

Our Charge

In recent years, various groups and individuals have examined MIT’s culture and considered MIT’s values, with many recommending that the Institute create a central statement of the Institute's values. Examples abound:

In short, while MIT has a mission statement, we do not have an Institute values statement; the quantity and variety of these past efforts to define our values tell us plainly that we need one—and their thoughtful results give us a running start.

To build a sense of shared purpose, expectations, and accountability, an Institute-wide committee of staff, faculty, students, postdocs, and alumni will engage the MIT community this semester in the foundational work of developing a statement of shared values. It will be important that this statement is grounded in universal ideals but also speaks to MIT's distinctive character and culture.

As the committee members take on this assignment, we ask that they:

  • Consider and weigh the results of the previous efforts cited above, and others they may find relevant, from MIT or elsewhere, as well as current initiatives that touch on developing values and community shared purpose.
  • Share a draft values statement for comment by May 31, 2021 and solicit feedback in a variety of ways from MIT community members—staff, students, faculty, alumni, and members of the Corporation.
  • After considering that feedback, submit a final recommendation by July 31, 2021.
  • [NOTE: In consultation with MIT’s senior leaders, the committee concluded that the usefulness of the values statement depended on a serious process of community engagement – more than we could realistically expect of the community over the summer after a long pandemic year. This process will unfold through the fall semester, superseding the dates in gray above.]
  • Recommend practical short and long-term strategies for building the Institute values statement into our institutional habits, rhythms, rituals, and communications, and encouraging people to embrace it in their daily life and work.