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  • Would you like to update? The problem with storing digital art

    How do you ensure that that the art still ‘works’ years later? And does a digital work of art still look as originally intended after a software update?
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  • Beauty is in the iris: bigger irises make people more attractive

    UvA researcher Martina Cossu and her colleagues explored how people’s eyes affect their perceived attractiveness.
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  • Meet Edith Hooge, the new President of the Executive Board

    What are her priorities for the UvA? And what would she like to achieve in the next four years in this role?
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  • Democracy, technology & social media

    Over the years, technology has revolutionised the media. Has the growing number of information sources led to increased distrust?
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The UvA belongs to Europe’s top universities. With over 40,000 students, 6,000 staff members and 3,000 PhDs we are a hub of academic research and education.