Spend Management

Spend Management: What it is, strategies & best practices

TL:DR: Spend management has never been easier when you use Expensify’s all-in-one app to manage all your organization’s spending, from expense reports to bills and invoices. Streamline your processes to ensure better visibility, control, and cost savings – because the bottom line always matters.

Spend management is a critical aspect of financial planning and control for businesses of all sizes. In today's fast-paced and competitive market, organizations must have a comprehensive spend management strategy in place. By utilizing the right spend management tools and technologies, businesses can simplify and streamline their processes, ensuring better visibility, control, and cost savings.

What is spend management?

Simply put, spend management is the practice of analyzing, tracking, and taking control of your company's spending. That can include:

  • Analyzing spending patterns to understand better where your company's money is going, when it's being spent, and who's spending it.

  • Accurately tracking expenses to keep tabs on the costs your company is covering.

  • Managing vendor relationships to ensure you're always getting the best deal possible.

  • Implementing a comprehensive budget to avoid unnecessary debt and better understand your organization's cash flow.

In other words, spend management means ensuring your company gets the most bang for its buck and understanding where your money is going.

How do you build and implement a spend strategy?

Building and implementing a spend strategy can be done effectively by doing the following:

  1. Assess current spending: Evaluate your current spending patterns and identify improvement areas. Analyze your expenses and pinpoint any excessive or unnecessary costs. Look for trends and patterns that can be leveraged to optimize spending.

  2. Set spending goals and guidelines: After assessing your spending, establish clear goals and guidelines for spending within your organization. Determine spending limits and establish policies that align with your company's objectives. Communicate this to all employees to ensure everyone understands their role in managing spending effectively.

  3. Implement spend management software: Invest in robust spend management software to automate and streamline your expense management processes. Choose software that offers advanced automation features, integrates with your existing systems, provides excellent customer support, and has a user-friendly mobile app for convenience.

How Expensify simplifies spend management

Sure, taking charge of your company's spending sounds great. But when it comes down to it, effective spend management can be confusing and time-consuming to plan and execute, especially if you don’t have the right tools or support.

Not with Expensify.

Our spend management software makes it easy to track and approve expense reports, keep an eye on vendor bills, create and send invoices, automatically record payments, book cost-effective business trips, and so much more.

Here are some of the Expensify features we know you'll love.

Expense management

Intuitive expense management

Tired of tedious expense reporting? SmartScan lets employees scan receipts from their smartphones, and our expense management software makes approval, reimbursement, and syncing a breeze.

Expense management

Next-gen corporate card

With the Expensify Visa® Commercial Card, employees don't even have to scan receipts — every time the card is swiped, it automatically syncs all the important details with Expensify's software. Better yet, you can earn up to 2% cash back on every purchase. Applies to USD purchases only.

Expense management

Streamlined vendor bill management

Stop struggling to track individual vendor bills. Use Expensify to handle your bills and you can save time on manual entry, easily track payments, and automate approvals.

Expense management

Improved invoices

Expensify's suite of invoicing services includes mass invoicing, multiple payment options, instant notifications, convenient software integrations, and simplified customer communication.

Expense management

Centralized travel arrangements

Need to book a flight or accommodations? Book your travel accommodations for your next business trip with Expensify Travel, our reimagined travel platform. Receive automatic notifications about rescheduled flights, set custom travel preferences, and more.

Expense management

Personal Payments

Expensify isn’t just a business spend management platform. It can also help you organize your expenses. Our app allows you to request and send money, split bills, and chat with friends or colleagues.

Actionable data insights

Gain a comprehensive understanding of how employees spend company money, allowing admins to make better financial decisions.

Custom data reporting

Create customized business expense reports based on employee spend data to understand better where your business's money is going.

What are the benefits of spend management?

Spend management benefits include enhanced financial control, cost savings, time efficiency, and risk mitigation—factors crucial for every company's success. Without spend management, it's too easy to lose track of company spending and waste time and money. 

That's equally true for small businesses as it is for large corporations. Whether you need to avoid overspending on your company's first staff retreat or accurately manage bills from hundreds of vendors in multiple countries, our spend management solutions can help. 

Financial control 

Having a strong spend management system in place enhances financial control. With Expensify, you can easily track and monitor your company's spending activities in real time. This allows you to identify areas of unnecessary spending and make informed decisions to optimize your budget.

Cost savings

By effectively managing your spending, you can identify cost-saving opportunities for your business. Expensify helps you streamline your expense tracking process, making detecting discrepancies or fraudulent activities easier. Additionally, with automated expense categorization and receipt capture, the chances of manual errors are reduced, providing accurate data for cost analysis so you can identify areas where costs can be reduced or eliminated.

Time efficiency

Manual expense management can be time-consuming and prone to errors. With Expensify, you can automate various tasks, including expense reporting, receipt tracking, and reimbursement processes. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and saves you valuable time. 

Risk mitigation

When you're accurately tracking expenses and capturing receipts, you create a reliable audit trail that can be used for compliance purposes or in the event of an audit. Expensify's automated processes reduce the possibility of human error and ensure that all expenses are properly documented, minimizing the risk of noncompliance or fraudulent activities.

Avoid bad surprises

Poor spend management can have severe consequences for a business. Without proper control and oversight, companies may experience overspending, inaccurate financial reporting, inefficient processes, and an increased risk of fraud. That’s why using spend management software like Expensify helps avoid nasty surprises. 

Challenges of spend management

Managing spending effectively can be a complex task. Many businesses face various challenges when it comes to spend management, including:

Lack of visibility

Without real-time visibility into spending activities, businesses cannot identify potential cost-saving opportunities or detect fraudulent activities.

Inefficient processes

Manual and paper-based spend management processes can be time-consuming, error-prone, and difficult to track. This can lead to delayed expense approvals, late payments, and a lack of control over spending.

Poor compliance

Non-compliance with internal policies and external regulations can result in financial penalties and damage a company's reputation. Lack of control over spend management processes can make it challenging to ensure compliance.

Lack of data-driven insights

Without accurate and comprehensive data, businesses can’t make informed spending decisions. Insights into spending patterns, vendor performance, and budget variances are crucial for optimization.

Spend management best practices

To optimize spending and improve spend management, consider following these best practices:

Implement an automated spend management system

When it comes to spend management software for small businesses, Investing in a robust system like Expensify can streamline and automate various processes, including expense reporting, receipt tracking, and reimbursement.

Set clear spending policies and guidelines

Establishing clear spending policies and guidelines ensures that employees understand the expectations and limitations of spending.

Provide training and education

To achieve effective spending management, employees must be provided training and education. This includes educating them on company spending policies, expense reporting procedures, and the proper use of the spend management system. Then, they can better understand their role in managing spending and encourage compliance.

Centralize spending data

Centralizing spending data in a single system allows for better visibility and control over expenses. Consolidating spending data means businesses can identify patterns, monitor vendor performance, and uncover cost-saving opportunities. This also simplifies the reporting and analysis process.

Regularly review and analyze spending

Regularly reviewing and analyzing spending patterns helps identify areas for improvement and cost savings.

Choosing spend management software 

When you're shopping for spend management software, keep an eye out for options offering top-tier features that are truly valuable to your company. Those might include: 

Expense management

Advanced automation

The more work your spend management software can take off your hands, the better. 

Expense management

Plenty of integrations

Choose a spend management platform designed to work with your existing software

Expense management

First-class support

Make sure you can quickly get answers to your questions and chat with other users.

Expense management

All-in-one app

No one wants to juggle multiple apps to compile an expense report or hop on their laptop just to see their spending records. So pick software that offers a user-friendly spend management app.


  • Spend management and expense management are related but distinct concepts in the realm of financial management. Expense management refers specifically to the processes and tools used to track and control individual expenses or transactions within an organization. It involves activities like recording and categorizing expenses, approving and reimbursing employee expenses, and ensuring compliance with spending policies.

    Spend management takes a broader view and encompasses the overall strategy and approach to managing and optimizing an organization's spending. It focuses on controlling expenses, analyzing spending patterns, identifying opportunities for cost savings and efficiency improvements, and aligning spending with organizational goals and priorities.

    In short, while expense management deals with the day-to-day management of individual expenses, spend management provides a strategic framework for managing and optimizing overall spending across the organization.

  • Indirect spend management is the management and optimization of expenses related to non-core activities or goods and services that are not directly involved in producing or delivering a company's primary products or services. This includes expenses such as office supplies, maintenance and repairs, IT services, marketing, and travel. It focuses on analyzing and controlling these indirect expenses to identify cost-saving opportunities, negotiate better prices with suppliers, streamline processes, and ensure compliance with spending policies, ultimately improving the organization's overall financial performance.

  • Examples of spend management include implementing strategic sourcing processes to identify cost-effective suppliers, negotiating favorable contracts and pricing agreements, implementing spend analysis tools to track and analyze spending patterns, implementing expense management systems to automate and streamline expense tracking and reimbursement processes, implementing travel expense policies and tools to optimize travel spending, and implementing vendor management programs to monitor and evaluate supplier performance and ensure compliance with contracts and agreements.

Ready to take charge of your spend management?

Enter your email or phone number to make your company's money go farther with Expensify's time-saving spend management tools.