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Mike Pennington's user avatar
Mike Pennington's user avatar
Mike Pennington
  • Member for 13 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
46 votes

Is there a way to list the connected devices on my wifi access point?

13 votes

Force telnet / ssh to use crtl-H for backspace

8 votes

How to diagnose a reliably unreliable connection?

8 votes

Advantages of Debian over Ubuntu

7 votes

Configuring a vncserver so it's only accessible from my ssh tunnel

6 votes

How to fake the source-port of a TCP packet?

4 votes

eth0 is proxy-arping, but /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/proxy_arp is 0

4 votes

I accidentally removed /var/www/ on my Linux server

4 votes

Unable to make outbound SNMP connections when IPTables is enabled

4 votes

Testing the Success of a Congestion Algorithm

3 votes

Solving Ethernet watchdog timer deadlocks

2 votes

iperf gives wrong output

2 votes

Control source address for whois queries

2 votes

How do you tell what hard drive a file is on?

2 votes

The best Linux Open-source wiki with native support for Windows (NTLM) authentication

1 vote

Network issue in vsat

1 vote

Linux tools to choose suitable Cisco ASA 5500

0 votes

Moin underlay permissions

0 votes

Telnet over Ethernet for Linux?