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Questions tagged [apache-httpd]

Use this tag for questions related to the Apache HTTP server (any version, but make sure to provide Apache version numbers in the question unless not relevant). Non-apache web server-related questions should use the tag: webserver.

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Can Apache 2.4 run setuid root CGI binaries?

Note that I'm not asking about suEXEC, because the binary must be setuid root, and suEXEC doesn't allow root to execute CGI programs. I need to carry out a one-time configuration during system ...
QF0's user avatar
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Reverse proxy with forward target

I have configured a reverse proxy in Apache2. It gets requests by HTTPS - unwraps the HTTPS and then forwards to local HTTP-processes for /web and /rest. <VirtualHost *:4443> ProxyPass /web ...
chris01's user avatar
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Why is the group permissions rwx for folder but read for newly created files within it?

On Rocky 8 (Redhat), I have a site running under Apache (httpd). I have the permissions set as follows including setguid so files created within the uploads folder inherit the group: [root@myserver ~]#...
Confounder's user avatar
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Webserver to forward and decrypts HTTPS to HTTP

Is it possible with Apache or Nginx (or others) to have the webserver configured for HTTPS/443 and translationg every request to simple HTTP and forwarding it to another process (just understanding ...
chris01's user avatar
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Apache Traffic Service - remap/redirect of HTTPS URLs

Playing with ATS as a forward proxy and wanting to block certain URL/FQDNs. I have a remap config: map map
Neil Briscoe's user avatar
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Does anyone know what this Apache HTTPD rule is?

I was going through the rewrite rules and saw this: RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ $1 [R=permanant] I checked Apache's RewriteRule Flags list, but cannot find any info there. Is it an alias to 301?
mrjayviper's user avatar
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Why is my web server serving HTTPS content on port 80?

Apache webserver on Rocky Linux 9, with SSL certs obtained from LetsEncrypt. This is the config of a specific virtual host "myvhost", but the problem arises for all vhosts on my server: /etc/...
dr_'s user avatar
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Follow Symbolic Link To Portable Thumbdrive In Apache

There are quite a few symbolic link questions on stack exchange but couldn't quite find something similar. If I missed please point it out. So I have Apache2 installed on a 22.04 minimal Xubuntu PC. ...
mdietz's user avatar
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Host Tor Site with Apache on FreeBSD

How can I host a Tor site with Apache on FreeBSD 13.3-RELEASE-p1? Apache is serving multiple sites from this server, so each one has its own entry in /usr/local/etc/apache24/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf ...
Valerica's user avatar
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HTTPD service needs to be restarted after system boot to work properly

On the server there is an Apache HTTP service that redirects the incoming https requests to some spring services (They only support http). When the machine is restarted, the httpd service seems to be ...
Fabio Piunti's user avatar
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Apache configuration to host both PHP and Python backend together not working for special Alias requirement

I am working on a web application in Ubuntu. I have a PHP backend that I want to host in "http://localhost/myapp/". All the application files are in the "/var/www/html/myapp/website/...
zeit's user avatar
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Not working `<Location/>` tag in Apache Virtual host

I am trying to create Apache virtualhost that is closed for all IP addresses with exception of one IP address and two URLs that should be publicly accessible. <IfModule mod_ssl.c> <...
jnemecz's user avatar
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Can't run php page in RedHat satellite

i'm using RedHat satellite 6.15 in RHEL 8. We want to add some php web page like dokuwiki/racktable there. But i have problem that if i install php and put php files in /var/www/html/pub/ directory, I ...
Neci's user avatar
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Redirecting incoming HTTPS traffic from one port to another without the SSL key

Is it possible to configure httpd to redirect HTTPS traffic from one host:port to another without decrypting it? I've got HTTPS traffic coming in at port 443. Depending on the incoming SNI I'd like ...
Gili's user avatar
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AH00141: Could not initialize random number generator

I tried to upgrade my debian system from buster to bullseye and messed up everything. I cant start apache2 and proftpd. When I do apachectl configtest I get the following error message: (38)Function ...
Anarkie's user avatar
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