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8 votes

Find actual file by only file name, not literally everything non-related

Don't use -L, as the documentation (see man find) writes, if the -L option or the -follow option is in use, a diagnostic message is issued when find encounters a loop of symbolic links. So ...
Chris Davies's user avatar
4 votes

Is it possible to translate bash to another human language like Arabic?

Updated answer NB: The original answer below was made to the initial version of the question, which wasn't being specific it was about commands instead of program messages. Some facts: The strings to ...
Vilinkameni's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it possible to translate bash to another human language like Arabic?

Sure, you can just go and translate all of bash's commands; it's free and open source, exactly because you should be able to do whatever you like with it. It certainly would be a lot of work – the ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
2 votes

How can I find out what the most lightweight terminal emulator is?

As per the downvotes and the comments, you are asking the wrong question/trying to solve the wrong problem. You should start by learning a little about memory is managed on Linux, notably how copy-on-...
symcbean's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I find out what the most lightweight terminal emulator is?

If you want to save on resources, changing one terminal emulator for another won't really change much. If you really want to go frugal, skip the graphical interface altogether. To experiment, you ...
Popup's user avatar
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2 votes

Setting icon for hidden files in LF (file manager)

The documentation on icons in lf file manager is pretty vague: first column is filetype or filename pattern and the example icons file currently states # file patterns (vim-devicons) (patterns not ...
Vilinkameni's user avatar
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1 vote

How to turn Audio Output into Virtual Microphone?

If possible wonder if it can be done trough the terminal due the need of not using a lot of resources on the machine. whether or not you do it on the terminal has exactly zero influence on the ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
1 vote

CodeLite install Ubuntu

In Ubuntu 24.04, CodeLite 17 is available in the Universe repository. So sudo apt install codelite should just work, or sudo apt install codelite-plugins if you want the plugins.
Stephen Kitt's user avatar
1 vote

What determines whether a script's background processes get a terminal's SIGINT signal?

sleep 3 && echo '123' & sleep 3 && echo '456' & sleep 3 && echo '999' & This asynchronously starts 3 subshells that execute: sleep 3 && echo '123', sleep 3 ...
x-yuri's user avatar
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