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A Linux service is an application (or set of applications) that runs in the background waiting to be used, or carrying out essential tasks.

3 votes

FreeBSD 7.3: service is working, but status shows "is not running"

When you use the service command in will look for the process id (pid) as it was set when it was started. Your service has it defined as: pidfile="/var/run/secret_service/${name}.pid" When you ask …
Claus Andersen's user avatar
2 votes

python script as rc service on freebsd

It is in place to give a uniform way to handle the "services". You noticed that as your app did not drop to the background as you expected and you needed to CTRL-C out. …
Claus Andersen's user avatar
6 votes

What is the FreeBSD equivalent of Linux update-rc.d?

There is a nice tool for the job named sysrc so you can avoid manually editing /etc/rc.conf Example: sysrc nginx_enable=YES sysrc sendmail=NONE Furthermore you have the service command to control …
Claus Andersen's user avatar