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OpenSSH with admin user

I am setting up an OpenSSH sFTP server. I want to create a sFTP Admin user that can navigate all the folders and move files. My approach is the following: Create the other users (let's call it user_1)...
Throwaway123's user avatar
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DNS resolution failure for traefik forward auth middleware in kubernetes 1.29.x cluster

I am using traefik 2.10.1 to do a auth middleware, this is the middleware config look like: apiVersion: kind: Middleware metadata: name: jwt-token-auth namespace: reddwarf-pro ...
Dolphin's user avatar
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Shim boot loader: System is compromised when using certificate, but not with hash

I am trying to boot a Linux kernel with efi stub enabled using Red Hat's Shim I can boot the system if I enroll the hash of my efi stub (selecting GRUBX64.EFI), but ...
Jan Sommer's user avatar
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Copy Linux Mint boot area from external SSD drive

I'm sorry if this question is not on topic. I am moving from Windows to Linux and had the idea to use a bootable Linux Mint external SSD to slowly download and integrate all the software I use, while ...
userWantsToCode's user avatar
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What's runsvdir of Docker container?

I have Docker containers with specific processes, but all of them started with runsvdir. /usr/bin/containerd-shim-runc-v2 -namespace moby -id ... \_ /bin/bash /assets/wrapper \_ runsvdir -P /opt/...
palmasd1's user avatar
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Conman fault? Or do I make a mistake?

I have used a wireless connection with conman that is new to me, as on my new notebook I am using debian linux lxqt with version 12 bookworm . Now I did install some new devices that do not use dhcp ...
Andreas Bartels's user avatar
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Rescuing ZFS after Debian upgrade

So I had older Debian system which needed to be upgraded. I did dist-upgrade, but forgot I am running ZFS on a root partition. :/ Result: system won't boot again. Because I would need to manually ...
Matthai's user avatar
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Interconnecting stdout and stdin between two programs [duplicate]

There are two programs first and second. I need to redirect stdout of first to stdin of second and stdout of second to stdin of first.
ibse's user avatar
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how to round numbers after comma everytime up

I have a file on a Linux machine, with one number per line: 3073771824 1513517589 4982173058 1539400944 3175320163 5247018359 14359014635 .... How can I multiply each by 1.03 (3%) and then ...
user447274's user avatar
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Display Conky folder size as a bar

I display the /boot folder with this function ${execi 60 du -sh /boot | awk '{ print $1 }'} That gives me the 168M /boot Now I would like to display this as a bar with "execbar". ...
barand3's user avatar
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How can I have multiple TCP clients connected to server ttyS0?

I'm trying to test following envirorment: One server (it's a router, It has busybox and few other cmd) with a a physical serial port and and open socket #tcpsvd -v -p 999 cat /dev/ttyS0 ...
Carmine Esposito's user avatar
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Controller failure on ZFS pool

I am running ZFS on an old Sun Fire X4170M2 connected to Sun StorageTek 6140 expansion shelves (i.e. JBOD). We had a hardware failure this morning. This is the current state of our pool: pool: tww ...
Albert Chin-A-Young's user avatar
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How to disable "Text Copied" pop up when copying text (Debian 12)

This might be a very basic question but I have tried searching this on google for a long time without any success. I recently installed Debian 12 (using Gnome 43 DE). When I try to copy any text, ...
Rishi Menon's user avatar
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Why does pasting something with angle brackets into GNU Screen not work in Alacritty?

pasting this into screen wg pubkey < ~/.ssh/wireguard.t520.private.key > ~/.ssh/wireguard.t520.public.key .. results in this: ~/.ssh/wireguard.t520.private.key > ~/.ssh/wireguard.t520.public....
Jason Hunter's user avatar
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Difference behavior of C program compiled with GNU -O2 and -O3

I am working on an embedded Linux system (5.10.24), and there are several applications running in it. Recently, I found something strange with one C program as follows. The C program uses APIs ...
wangt13's user avatar
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