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Clearing "Recent Connections" from Firefox in KDE Task Bar

So I'm quite new to Linux, Plasma, and openSUSE so forgive my ignorance. I went to type in something rather sensitive and, without my noticing, Firefox popped up and I accidentally typed it into the ...
user962023's user avatar
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Script to find multiple files and update their timestamps by a second

I'm trying to create an interactive script that lets me choose a start date and time, then recurse into the present directory/subdirectories, find all flac audio files, sorted by directory/...
arcturus's user avatar
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Unable to mount encrypted ZFS filesystem after reboot

Key load error: Failed to open key material file: Input/Output Error. Command: `mount -o zfsutil -t zfs rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_uy913 /root/`. Message: `zfs_mount_at() failed: encryption key not loaded`. `...
MoonMiddays's user avatar
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Unable to Resize Partition in Xubuntu VM Due to Busy Target

I am trying to resize the main partition of my Xubuntu virtual machine (VM) running on VMware, but I encounter an error stating that the target is busy when attempting to unmount it. Despite several ...
doneil chapman's user avatar
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Cannot run Firefox esr in Debian 11

Cannot run Firefox also cannot run updates. New to Linux and lost. Click on Firefox ESR, Starts circle back the just quits. No pages load
Dan's user avatar
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How do you look into sdb1 and sdc1 to make sure data is mirrored in RAID1 using mdadm?

I've spent hours fighting mdadm to the point I had to reinstall linux and do more fighting, mostly because of write-protected issues on the drives somehow (I still don't explain it), and also ...
Mister Mystère's user avatar
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How does Linux find the bold variant of a given font?

There is a monospace font family I like called IBM Plex Mono. It comes with several font weights beyond just normal and bold, namely: Thin ExtraLight Light Regular Medium SemiBold Bold Now, I have ...
Max's user avatar
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NFS mixup with mounted ISO images [II] [duplicate]

Hello dear forum readers, This is a rephrase of my post # 779647 (which became too big to get to the point) and is based on further testing (with SMB). My problem: I have made an offline Debian ...
Steijn van Essen's user avatar
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Update password-auth Using Ansible

I would like to update /etc/pam.d/password-auth using Ansible to have the following line (or a similar one with the remember=5 argument added) password requisite remember=5 If a ...
shepster's user avatar
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Restart=always not working

I am struggling to make systemd restart a service when it crashes. This is the unit file: # cat /etc/systemd/system/miscale.service [Unit] Description=Mi Scale Translator [...
AndreKR's user avatar
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Samba wastes a lot of time with permission checks

I'm running a samba server on a DIY NAS at home. Some applications on Windows client PCs seem to trigger odd behaviour: Samba wastes a lot of time seemingly doing permission checks on various ...
Cobra_Fast's user avatar
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How can I get the _real_ progress of dd, ignoring fast/staging buffers? [duplicate]

I'm using the dd command to write to a USB stick. My command is pretty straightforward: dd if=myimage.iso of=/dev/sdd bs=1M status=progress and indeed, I seem to be getting the progress reported: ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Git ls-remote to github fails with classic "SHA-1 not supported" on tunneled ssh session but `ssh -T [email protected]` doesn't

Cross-posting from here as suggested by the community. A bit of context: At my company we do tunneling to ssh into EC2 boxes. This tunneling command is as usual, uses ForwardAgent and the proxycommand ...
Stoic Alchemist's user avatar
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How do I get linux flavors, like Fedora, RHEL, Amazon Linux, and others that don't update motd on login to do so?

I am trying to get my Amazon Linux 2023 server to update the MOTD on login, not on a timer or by fiddling with the profile. I want a clean experience for users whether they re-exec their shell, or ...
four43's user avatar
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How can I run Firefox over the same running instance but in two different WAYLAND_DISPLAY?

I'm testing a new wayland compositor and debugging some rendering issues. To test this, I'm switching to a different TTY, starting compositor B and then trying to open a new Firefox window there; I do ...
Macydnah's user avatar

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