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Questions tagged [systemd-timer]

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Trying to stop systemd timers from triggering missed events

After trying the solutions posted here (Prevent systemd timer from running on startup), I thought I had my systemd timer problems corrected. However, after my last reboot, my service fired off during ...
ajgringo619's user avatar
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Systemd timer triggers only once

My systemd timer is configured to run ever day at 3:00. The timer gets triggered only on the first day at 3:00 and systemd list-timers says n/a in the Left or Next column. borgbackup.timer: [Unit] ...
Unkn0wn's user avatar
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Can a multiple systemd services be controlled through a single systemd timer?

A foo.service service can be controlled by a foo.timer. Is it possible the make a single systemd timer controlling multiples systemd services?
GAD3R's user avatar
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systemctl Persistent timer and service, when computer turned off

How do the systemctl timer works when the computer is turned off at the given trigger time? There is the option "Persistent", but when exactly is the command executed? In how far is it ...
camel's user avatar
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How to make a systemd timer that runs every 2 days? [duplicate]

I am looking a guide to understand how OnCalendar works. I don't understand ..... Please how can I make a systemd timer runs every 2 days? [Unit] Description=systemd every 2 days. [Timer] OnCalendar=*...
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Systemd timers will not fire

I have a very weird issue on Debian Buster. I've enabled unattended-upgrades on the server as this is a very bare bones server and it should just update automatically. However, it seems that the apt ...
Tim Stoop's user avatar
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systemd timer every X hours on a specific day

I want a timer for a specific day (every year specific month and day) repeating every 8 hours on that day (birthday reminder). I have tested several including: [Unit] Description=Tom Birthday Requires=...
Xaqron's user avatar
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Systemd timer running scheduled service 2 times in a row, instead of running only 1 time

I have a nodejs gui program (does not requires user interaction), which needs to be run at every 40th minutes at each hour. Say run at 05:40PM, 06:40PM, 07:40PM and so on. In a Debian server, I have ...
drmirk's user avatar
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systemd dbus service continuously updates system time

I am trying to set my centos vm's date to 1 months prior date for some license validation, for that I have disabled systemd-timesyncd and ntpd service but still after setting the time to -32 days the ...
Aamir Shaikh's user avatar
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systemd timer on boot but not too often

Would it be possible to create a timer that will run a service on a boot, but not more often than once a week? In my case it would be beneficial to run a TRIM (fstrim) for SSD disk on a boot, but once ...
Dawid Grzesiak's user avatar
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Mixing conditions in Linux timer

I want to create a timer that fires, completes execution, waits for 30 seconds and fires again but only during night hours. So far I got this: [Timer] OnUnitInactiveSec=30s OnCalendar= * - * - * 23,24,...
sportb22's user avatar
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systemd timer every 8 hours

I am fairly new using systemd timers, and I am having some issues. I am trying to schedule a script that runs daily, every 8 hours, at 6 AM, 2 PM, and 10 PM. The time starts correctly, and it shows ...
John Garner's user avatar
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How systemd timer work?

I have myscript.service and I want this service to start every hour. So I wrote myscript.timer Description=My script timer [Timer] OnCalendar=hourly ;OnCalendar=*-*-* 0/2:00:00 [Install] WantedBy=...
Inspector Due's user avatar
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systemd timer is running task on every computer restart

I use Ubuntu. This is /etc/systemd/system/myapp.service: [Unit] Description=... StartLimitIntervalSec=60 [Service] Type=simple Restart=no StartLimitIntervalSec=0 User=myuser ...
wykopowiedz1's user avatar
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How do I create a systemd service for a continuously running application (only in a time window)

I have a software that basically continuously analyze a camera stream and send some information to a server, this is a headless system (Ubuntu 16.04). The application must be started every day (except ...
rok's user avatar
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