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Systemd executable failed to read file from CacheDirectory with Permission Denied

I have a Golang binary that runs every 5 mins. It is supposed to create & update a text file which needs to be write restricted. To run this binary I created a systemd service and a systemd timer ...
Korba's user avatar
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Why systemctl status shows a time in the future and the amount of time left?

When we issue "systemctl status", we usually get in the output, a line showing the status and for how long it has been in that status. Like: (I issued that few minutes ago) Active: active (...
Travelling_Bird's user avatar
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Systemd - stop service at calendar time

I have a systemd service I would like to keep running between set times (let's say midnight to 6 AM). The closest thing I have found so far is limiting it to a set amount of runtime: [Unit] ...
PGEL's user avatar
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How to create an ephemeral user-level systemd timer on the commandline without unit/timer files?

Suppose I want to run the command notify-send "invoked" "$(date)" every 5 seconds using systemd timers. I know how to create a corresponding unit file and a timer file, then enable ...
Zeta.Investigator's user avatar
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OnCalendar systemd timer unit still executes at boot, how to stop it?

I have the following unit enabled and started [Unit] Description=Schedule a nightly execution at 03.15 for Backup ROOT # Allow manual start RefuseManualStart=no # Allow manual stop RefuseManualStop=no ...
Boris Hamanov's user avatar
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How to make a systemd timer that runs every 2 days? [duplicate]

I am looking a guide to understand how OnCalendar works. I don't understand ..... Please how can I make a systemd timer runs every 2 days? [Unit] Description=systemd every 2 days. [Timer] OnCalendar=*...
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systemd timer every 8 hours

I am fairly new using systemd timers, and I am having some issues. I am trying to schedule a script that runs daily, every 8 hours, at 6 AM, 2 PM, and 10 PM. The time starts correctly, and it shows ...
John Garner's user avatar
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Embedded Linux - Constant Loop time

I am using a Colibri iMX6 DualLite SoM from Toradex. It is based on a multicore ARM Cortex™A9 processor. I'm running an Embedded Linux distribution provided by toradex in it. We are developing a ...
Raghul NM's user avatar
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How the keyword `After` works in systemd service?

I have prepared two services a.service and b.service. The a.service run using a.timer. a.service [Unit] Description=service a [Service] Type=...
mcv's user avatar
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How to run systemctl command inside ExecStart?

I am trying to restart all the stale sqlrelay connection services using systemd.timer. Systemd service looks like this: [Unit] Description=sqlrelay-state-connection-restart [Service] Type=oneshot ...
Jayabalan Bala's user avatar
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using systemd timers instead of cron

I am on Arch Linux where I am trying to create a systemd timer as a cron alternative for hibernating my laptop on low battery. So I wrote these three files: /etc/systemd/system/battery.service [...
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