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Systemd service for backup during boot or shutdown

Is it possible to configure systemd service that will delay the boot process (by about 10-20 minutes) to run a local backup script (something like dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sdc) while filesystem is still ...
Andrey  Chesnakov's user avatar
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Systemd: should I use wants/requires for already enabled service listed in After=

I have a systemd service named webserver.service that is wanted by (enabled by default on system). I have another service under another target named test.service that I want to run ...
Denny's user avatar
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How is the default nice value of a user's processes implemented in Ubuntu server 22.04.4 LTS

I've noticed that all services and processes with my user in Ubuntu Server 22.04.4 LTS have a nice value of 19. I connect to the server through ssh, and my ssh sessions also have a nice value of 19. I ...
AndresR's user avatar
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systemd: Failed to attach to cgroup...No such file or directory

OS Ubuntu-22.04 Kernel-version 6.2.0-39-generic systemd --version systemd 249 (249.11-0ubuntu3.12) Problem description: From a perl script I am trying to stop and start myservice, this script has no ...
RaGa__M's user avatar
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Systemd timer only starts when service is stopped

I have a service that runs a python script: [Unit] Description="Daily python service" [Service] WorkingDirectory=/home/ubuntu/python_project/ ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c 'truncate -s 0 /var/...
RudyGoburt's user avatar
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65 views management

I try to follow the manual example from man # /etc/systemd/network/27-xfrm.netdev [NetDev] Name=xfrm0 Kind=xfrm [Xfrm] InterfaceId=7 # /etc/systemd/network/ [Match] ...
zerkms's user avatar
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Fake /etc/os-release for an application to make it think it runs on Ubuntu instead of Debian

I have to use a third party software which officially supports RHEL, SuSE (SLE[DS]) and a certain Ubuntu LTS release. Unfortunately, I use Debian on all my systems. If I run the installer script of ...
MrSnrub's user avatar
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How to force systemd unit to log into journal instead of syslog

For some time now I'm trying to force systemd unit I created to log command output to systemd journal. It logs only to syslog. Here is my config: $ cat /etc/systemd/system/sf-synchronize.service [...
piotrekkr's user avatar
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Ubuntu service - pq: password authentication failed for user "root"

I have an application running on Ubuntu server that's using PostgreSQL. I can run the application's executable (as a non-root user) from the project's directory. I have created a service for this ...
Saurabh's user avatar
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How to let kea-dhcp4-server wait on postgresql database being ready during boot on Ubuntu 22.04?

My kea-dhcp4-server has a dependency on my postgresql database. After a fresh boot the dhcp server has an error like: sudo systemctl status kea-dhcp4-server × kea-dhcp4-server.service - Kea IPv4 ...
Henry Roeland's user avatar
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systemd+ - cannot stop mongo service

I noticed mongo was listening on port 27017 I tried to stop it with: $ sudo systemctl stop mongod Failed to stop mongod.service: Unit mongod.service not loaded. and then I did: sudo service mongod ...
Alexander Mills's user avatar
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systemd service restarting without any obvious cause

I have two Spring applications that chug along nicely, nothing special happening, and then out of the blue the applications restart; journalctl shows these lines: Jan 15 04:43:11 ...
tbeernot's user avatar
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How can i run a ros2 launch file on startup?

I have a python file running the ros2 launch file process = subprocess.Popen(["/opt/ros/humble/bin/ros2", "launch", "blaunch_pkg", ""]) ...
Danana's user avatar
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How to indicate hour range in Timer using OnCalendar?

systemd 219 version Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS [Unit] Description=Run myscript.service every 5 minutes [Timer] OnCalendar= *-*-* 10-23:10/5:00 Persistent=true [Install] I need to run ...
Aigerim's user avatar
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migrating app from upstart to systemctl failing with 'dead'

new to this area, and trying to setup this project on Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS the project is no longer maintained, but the instructions talk about using ...
nmpuk's user avatar
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CentOS systemd places service subprocesses started with `sudo` in `user.slice` (instead of `system.slice`)

Subprocesses that are created using sudo within a systemd service are placed in the user.slice. This behavior has been observed only on CentOS 8 (x86_64 20230606) and not on Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS, where ...
flashy's user avatar
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Cause a script to execute when the default route is changed

I have 2 interfaces: the Ethernet (metrics 1) and 4G (metrics 2). When the first disappears the second is used, when the Ethernet comes back, the first one is used again. I would like to send a ...
Oleksa's user avatar
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Systemd with Gitlab-runner and Manual commands works differently

I have a python-based tg bot that is supposed to run as Systemd service. Service file goes as following. [Unit] Description=Telegram ImageBot [Service] Type=...
Lev Marder's user avatar
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Restarting systemd service on path change takes a long time

I have a systemd Ubuntu service of type simple, call it foo.service, with a Python script that is being executed, in ExecStart. Then another service, of type oneshot, call it foo-restart.service that ...
Christopher's user avatar
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Reorder of launching Systemd services

OS: Debian 11 Bullseye Context: The Zerotier application adds the zerotier-one.service system service and creates a virtual network interface (when it works). The sshd server default listens to all ...
DarekH's user avatar
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Forcing Systemd to Re-Isolate a Target Unit

My goal is to programmatically re-run the graphical target unit using the systemctl command. While I'm aware that I can use sudo systemctl isolate, this approach doesn't seem to work ...
mlibre's user avatar
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how to add PID inside cgroup.procs with non-root privileges in cgroup-v2 in Ubuntu

I created cgroup in /sys/fs/cgroup. I called it testGrp and I need this cgroup to be controlled by non-root user so I changed the ownership of the whole cgroup directory /sys/fs/cgroup$ sudo chown -R ...
Belal Elkady's user avatar
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Systemd path PathExists= doesn't work if tracked file is deleted inside Unit=?

I have simple systemd.path restart.path: [Unit] Description= [Path] PathExists=/home/ubuntu/restart Unit=restart.service [Install] And the triggered restart.service ...
Azii's user avatar
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Bring systemd services up/down along with specific systemd service?

I have systemd: service1.service service2.service service3.service service1.service looks like: [Unit] Wants=service2.service service3.service After=service2.service service3.service [Service] ...
ojacomarket's user avatar
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Systemd service not running after VM reboot [duplicate]

Here is my systemd service status root@ip-10-111-11-4:/home/foolala# sudo systemctl status mycustom-service.service ● mycustom-service.service - Custom service to manage docker-comopose for foolala ...
pkaramol's user avatar
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Longest ExecStart command line

I have been reviewing a lot of systemd job files, and found a systemd unit file on Ubuntu 20.04.2 with a ExecStart command that is 4284 characters long, it occurred to me to ask - what is the maximum ...
XXX's user avatar
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Failed to hibernate system via logind: Not enough swap space for hibernation

I'm trying to hibernate via systemctl hibernate but get Failed to hibernate system via logind: Not enough swap space for hibernation LANG=C swapon NAME TYPE SIZE USED PRIO /swap/swapfile ...
Yaroslav Minieiev's user avatar
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How to enable DNS over HTTPS (DoH) on Pop!_OS 22.04

I recently started using Quad9 DNS and now want to enable DoH(not DoT). I was looking to enable it without any third party software (This is already possible on Windows). All the guides I can find are ...
Theorist's user avatar
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ethercat install on ubuntu 23.04 RPi gives modprobe invalid argument error/empty MAC address?

Installing ethercat from to an RPi 3B v1.2 running Ubuntu Server 23.04 (32-bit). First time working with Ubuntu; more familiar with Raspbian. Spent a long ...
rbgorbet's user avatar
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How to mount VeraCrypt or TrueCrypt volumes with the boot password

For Windows, VeraCrypt implements a feature called "system favorite volumes".  It allows mounting additional discs with the password entered at boot to unlock the system partition. Specs: I ...
Honigmelone's user avatar
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Does linux/systemd/agetty support doubble ended serial-getty consoles?

My apologies if this is a ultra basic question: Does linux / systemd / agetty support double ended serial-getty consoles? For example I have two remote servers A and B, they are running a recent ...
turtle's user avatar
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auto login as guest without gdm3 with systemd ubuntu 18.04

I Installed Ubuntu 18.04 and removed gdm3 package. Now on startup I get LXDE GUI with my default admin user logged in (the one created after initial OS setup with sudo capabilities). I wish to create ...
hutcruchi's user avatar
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How to get systemd user unit logs?

I'm using loginctl --enable-linger USERNAME to activate user services. The unit files are stored in $HOME/.config/systemd/.... Now a service that worked before starts (I can see it in process listing) ...
Michael's user avatar
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Restart systemd service when GPU memory limit is reached

I'm using the following systemd service on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. The service is saved in /lib/systemd/system/myService.service [Unit] Description=myService RequiresMountsFor=/mnt/Data [Service] ExecStart=...
BlackHawk's user avatar
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Difference between ubuntu systemd simple(oneshot) and forking?

#!/bin/bash sleep 2 nohup java -jar /home/ubuntu/radius/radius-test.jar >> /home/ubuntu/radius/radius.log & nohup java -jar /home/ubuntu/radius/radius-test-2.jar >> /home/ubuntu/radius/...
남혁준's user avatar
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Both systemd-networkd and NetworkManager starts by itself

This is ubuntu 20.04. I stopped and disabled systemd-networkd. Then enabled NetworkManager. But after reboot both services come up. Keeps happening like that. I want to manage my server using nmcli, ...
rajeev's user avatar
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system.d custom service not running correctly but as user can run manually

[SOLVED] My questions is simple, I created a mcboot.service wich auto start my All The Mod 8 MC server, I sysctl enabled it, and did daemon-reload, my issue now is, I can execute without issue the run....
Elmani335's user avatar
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Why is my systemd service creating write protected files?

I have created a systemd service in my Ubuntu 22.04 laptop that runs a java program by calling a bash file. [Unit] Description=Script to run JMS [Service] ExecStart=bash /home/user/Desktop/...
marcos's user avatar
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Turn off attached server monitor on system startup

Edited I have turned my older Macbook into a linux server installing Ubuntu Server 22.04 TTL. I only SSH into this system and would like to keep the monitor turned off. The following command works ...
Arash's user avatar
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Configure cgroups v2 for fair resources sharing between users

Is there a way to restrict system resources to users? I know that used to exist a way of forcing every newly spawned process of a user into the specified cgroup by using cgred service along with /etc/...
Centuri0n's user avatar
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journalctl -b -1 always shows the same log?

When reading the manual for journalctl I get the impression that -b -1 will show the boot one before the most recent. When I use it I'm always shown the same log. Did I misunderstand something? I've ...
Andreas's user avatar
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nodejs process doesn't stop on 'systemctl stop' while running as an Ubuntu systemd service

when trying to stop a nodejs process running from a service file the service is never actually stopped, and just keeps running, forcing me to manually kill the process in htop each time. any ideas on ...
ieatglue's user avatar
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Service stops and starts with just the start command Ubuntu

I have recently created a service on my Ubuntu LTS server allowing me to test the uptime of my network. The script itself works as intended, but when I attempted to make it into a service I ...
Zach Frank's user avatar
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Failed to connect to bus

While I am trying to execute systemctl --user enable rclone@gdrive or systemctl --user start rclone@gdrive on reboot time, I am getting following error: Failed to connect to bus: $...
Soft Dev's user avatar
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Systemd cannot exec a start command with error: No such file or directory, but the path is correct and permissions are correct aswell

So I have this modded minecraft server which has a launch script that is very simple and I wanted to control the server using systemd. Here is the launch script: #!/bin/sh # Server Launch Script # # ...
mux's user avatar
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Timesyncd service return (code=exited, status=227/NO_NEW_PRIVILEGES)

I am on Ubuntu server 18.04 and the clock do not sync :~$ timedatectl status Local time: jeu. 2022-12-22 09:36:48 CET Universal time: jeu. 2022-12-22 08:36:48 ...
Syl's user avatar
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How do I disable screensaver and systemd suspend on Ubuntu 20 from command-line or configuration files?

I have seen a lot of solutions about gsettigns set and systemctl mask ... but none works for me. My Ubuntu 20 has Gnome GUI. And the only thing I want is to completely disable screen to ...
ojacomarket's user avatar
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Where does "journalctl" read configurations from?

I have installed kubelet 1.26.0 on my Ubuntu 22.04 machine. Previously I had 1.25.2 version that I removed by apt remove kubelet command and reinstalled it with apt install kubelet command. Wherever I ...
best_of_man's user avatar
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Dbus not starting on Ubuntu Touch

systemctl --user start dbus Failed to start dbus.service: Process org.freedesktop.systemd1 exited with status 1 See user logs and 'systemctl --user status dbus.service' for details. systemctl --user ...
eacelmar's user avatar
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"systemd-tmpfiles --clean" problem

I want to cleanup a directory with systemd-tmpfiles. On my ubuntu 22 server man tmpfiles.d shows the following example: # Files created and modified, and directories accessed more than # an hour ago ...
user333869's user avatar

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