I noticed mongo was listening on port 27017

I tried to stop it with:

$ sudo systemctl stop mongod Failed to stop mongod.service: Unit

mongod.service not loaded.

and then I did:

sudo service mongod stop Failed to stop mongod.service: Unit

mongod.service not loaded.

then I had to do:

ps aux | grep mongo

and I saw

systemd+    2082  0.0  0.7 2581952 127376 ?      Ssl  Feb04   3:02 mongod --bind_ip_all

so what is systemd+ and how do I manage it?

1 Answer 1


Copied and Pasted StackOverflow Answer

ps (sadly) trims the username to 8 (if I'm counting right) characters and adds a + after the user name initial part. The username could be systemd-mysql or systemd-something that you can find in passwd.

From manual:

If the length of the username is greater than the length of the display column, the username will be truncated. See the -o and -O formatting options to customize length

  • ohh damn, that makes some sense Commented Feb 7 at 22:43
  • 1
    Yup I had to Google that one. I've never seen systemd+ either
    – eyoung100
    Commented Feb 7 at 22:45

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